Good Intentions, Bad Execution

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You're all dressed up for the part you have to play, with a new stretchy leotard similar to Keigos, but the patterning is in your favourite colour instead of yellow, and visors in your favourite colour too. Last minute gifts that Keigo had given you once you'd calmed down fully, and you couldn't even be grateful for them because you didn't want to do this.
You even had your flight jacket on that he had gotten you for Christmas. Keigo had looked so proud when you'd put it all on, but you couldn't help but feel as though you were just in a Hawks cosplay.
Really doesn't help that feeling when you're terrified as you land on one of the balconies, almost enough so to start trembling like you had when you first met Dabi.

"You got the sedative?" Keigo asks lowly as he grins and waves at the occupants in the room.

"Yeah." You breathe, patting your pocket and feeling the needle there. You really hoped you didn't need to use it.

"Good. Remember only to use it in an emergency, we only have the one." Keigo reminds you quietly, turning the Hawks grin to you and patting your shoulder. "You got this!"

Well, you were glad he seemed to think so, because you felt very much like the ground was going to slip out from underneath you the second you moved forward.
A red feather caresses your cheek, and then he's gone, walking through the boardroom full of PLF grunts, greeting them, all smiles and friendly words.
You follow behind, your face practically pressed into his wings, you're that close. He seems to find it amusing, chuckling to himself as he uses one to bump you away gently.

"I'm gonna go see where everyone's at. Why don't you go and find Star?" He suggests while walking through the hallway, easy-breezy, completely unbothered.

You didn't want to. You wanted to leave well alone.
But your body moves, betraying your brain. You tuck your wings tight into your back as you walk, as if you're trying to make yourself seem as inconspicuous as possible.
The floor you'd landed on doesn't seem to have any sign of Star, so you go down the stairs, avoiding the eyes of everyone you pass, a strange sense of guilt chewing at you inside.
You didn't know any of these people, or owe them anything, but you still felt like you were betraying them all.

You turn a couple of hallways, your anxiety heightening the longer you have to try and work out a way to seperate her from whoever she's with so that she can be taken to Dabi and moved to safety.
But you do hear an unmistakable young voice calling out foreign words with a older man joining in. You head straight for it, relieved to see Star with Twice. Twice was probably the best person she could be with because he was trusting, and wouldn't even question it when you asked to take Star away.

"Star!" You call.

The two stop and look over at you, Star's head popping around Twice's back. She immediately beams at you, making your heart sink more. You don't know how Keigo can be so comfortable with this.

"Hakuchō!" She calls back.

"Hey Star, hey Twice..." You greet awkwardly. "Um, Star, could I borrow you for a sec?"

"Okay!" She agrees immediately, letting go of Twice's hand.

So trusting, so innocent.
You begin to walk off with her behind you, Twice calling out a warning to not be too long. She hums an agreement, and jogs to catch up with you.

"What's the matter?" She asks, trying to get a good look at your face.

"Do you know where Dabi is?" You ask, avoiding the question.

She shakes her head.

"He's in a meeting, probably. He has a lot of those now, and they're important..."

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