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Your mouth bobs open and closed. Keigo looks pissed.
Uraraka must have snitched on you instead of just telling Aizawa that you'd been sent home by the nurse. What a snake. You don't even understand what she'd gain from telling on you, you'd been lagging behind and dragging the whole class down anyway.

"Well?" He asks in a curt snap, his wings fluffing behind him. "Do you know how worried everyone was?"

Your brows furrow.
Why would anyone care that you were gone? They were all whispering about you and Aizawa was making it very clear he did not want you in his class because you were totally inept compared to the others.
You open your mouth again to try and offer some kind of explanation, but Keigo cuts you off, approaching you with quick steps.

"I had my whole agency looking for you when they could have been helping people that needed it!" He exclaims in exasperation. "Jesus!"

His hands run through his messy blonde locks, as though he's trying desperately to hold himself together.

"Rai's gonna fuckin' kill me." He complains, dropping to a crouch and burying his face in his hands, his wings tucking in close to his body.

He looks so small and sad. A complete contrast to how big and scary he'd looked moments before, even with how short statured he is.
You go to reach out and touch his shoulder before thinking twice about it, retracting your hand and holding it to your chest.
You lean forward a little though, moving ever so slightly closer to him.

"Sorry." You offer weakly.

He shakes his head, still hiding his face.
He does immediately drop his hands though, his arms draped over his thighs, hands hanging loosely over his knees as he looks up at you from his crouched position, his golden eyes narrowed in anger.

"They all thought you'd been taken, Y/N." Keigo says, straining to keep his voice even. "They've already been traumatized enough..."

"I'm sorry." You repeat.

You weren't exactly used to people caring enough to be mad about what you got up to. You weren't exactly new to skipping school, and you'd never had search parties or tellings off for it before.
You didn't know what to do in this situation, and your apologies didn't seem to change the look on Keigo's face, or tone.

"So where were you then?" He asks bitterly.

You pause.
Actually having to tell him was kind of lame. It wasn't even like you went anywhere cool, or worthy of skipping school for. You were literally sitting up in a tree for hours.

"A boy?" He asks testingly.

Your wings puff up in embarrassment at the accusation.

"No!" You squeak defensively.

Keigo sniffs, rubs his face. "A girl then?"

You shake your head violently.
That actually hadn't even crossed your mind. You briefly wonder how close Ama and Genji may be to UA and whether you could take enough money from Keigo through the weeks to escape to their home instead of living this life you didn't even want.
They wouldn't change your name without your knowledge and force you into a career you didn't want.

"So what is it then? What made you do something so stupid?" He snaps, standing once more. "I cannot stress to you how worried everyone was."

"No-one liked me." You reply, your voice so weak from disuse that you can't put as much effort into projecting it as you'd like to. "They weren't worried about me. They just didn't want to look bad."

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