Unwelcome Home

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Keigo didn't talk to you for the whole of that evening, even though Rai had given him some fancy tech that was basically some kind of text to speech machine. He chose instead to speak to everyone but you, flirting with the nurses, giving statements to the press after so long of not being able to speak and chatting happily with the other patients.
He didn't even look at you, though.

So you wandered off, happy to entertain yourself for a while.
You ended up texting Shinsou, avoiding the topic of the fact you'd hurt yourself to the extent you had needed stitches until you fell asleep.

When you had woken up, you'd given yourself some time to listen to the sounds in the hospital, learning to do so fairly early on in your stay after Star's moods had affected everyone elses for the day.
There didn't seem to be any screaming, or any noise of distress from Star, or really any sounds of distress or even yelling from anyone, so you get up, deciding to face Keigo head-on.

When you leave the private room you were in, Keigo's actually up, sitting up properly with his legs hanging over the edge of the bed for the first time since getting injured. He's slouched forward as nurses you hadn't seen before look over his bare back and the ruined stubs of his wings that were left behind.
You had no idea how bad the scarring really was on his back, because he'd managed to hide a lot of it from you, but now it was laid in front of you, you were surprised he even had any kind of wings left.

The nurses don't seem to be being gentle with him at all, despite it apparently being common knowledge enough even for Rumi to know that they're sensitive.
You notice the wings twitching slightly as they manhandle them, but other than that, Keigo is still as they tug at them and check his back.

"There's a few feathers forming." One of the nurses says, her fingers running over the base of Keigo's wing on one side, and he shudders, giving a surprised croaky chirp. "That's a good sign. You should be able to work again in a week or so."

"And if you can sit up without pain and there's clearly no nerve damage, you can do the press conference." The other nurse says pointedly for some reason.

With a couple button presses from Keigo, a robotic voice simply says 'okay'.
The nurses stop fussing over him after he says that, talking between each other without even giving you a glance as they pass, discussing discharging Keigo as he pulls a shirt back on.
When he turns to sit on the bed properly again, he glances at you and then away again, apparently fully intending to ignore you again.

"Home time?" You ask, trying to make conversation about something that wasn't you.

He just nods curtly, turning his head away from you, looking at the door that seperated you both from Star in her private room. She was loud again now, you could hear muffled yelling and thumps coming from inside the room.

"Someone told her?" You ask.

He ignores you.

"Keigo, come on." You sigh.

He glances at you sharply, but begins to type on his new machine for a while, turning his face away again when it begins reading out his message.

'Yeah, she knows. You're going to have to try harder to be a good influence on her, she's been through enough without having someone teaching her bad, self destructive habits. She's already going to be susceptible to that kind of thing, and I don't have time to keep an eye on you both to make sure you're not hurting yourselves.'

Your cheeks heat up as the robotic voice announces your private business to the busy hospital ward, a few eyes landing on you both and other patients beginning to whisper.

"Nice, Keigo." You spit. "Sometimes you're such an asshole that I genuinely consider it a miracle that anyone likes you at all."

He huffs, typing again.

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