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**CW: Heavy hinting towards sexual assault, disassociation and physical harm. Take care of yourselves.**

Horns: Come see me. I have a present for you.

You stare at the message for far too long. Long enough that apparently, Keigo notices your lack of attention and chuckles, pretending to look over your shoulder.

"S' it Shinsou?" He teases.

You hold your phone to your chest to hide the screen and scowl at him, earning yourself a more knowing chuckle in response.
Except he doesn't know anything, because Shinsou had kind of just dropped off the face of the planet again, aside from a few texts here and there.
And Akio had been sweeter, sure, but you were still confused about what had happened.

You: Where?

If he said anywhere other than somewhere public you'd make an excuse not to go, but his response surprises you.

Horns: Town.

You're a little uncertain still, but it was a public space. He wouldn't try anything in public, and you'd feel a little more at ease in a space where you know Keigo and his coworkers and acquaintances would be around if you needed it.
Keigo had given up on talking to you, instead scrolling through his phone while feathers dust the house dutifully.

"Hey, Keigo? Can I go out today?" You ask, almost a little sheepishly.

His head perks up slightly, his wings fluffing up and a small chirp coming from the back of his throat. He looks over at you with a hopeful smile.

"You done all your school work? Or at least some of it?" He asks, trying to pretend he's a responsible father figure.

You roll your eyes and nudge his calf with your foot.

"Go on, dove. Who're you with?" He asks, his eyes shining.

He was probably relieved you were doing something normal and not just hanging around him like you had been doing since the last time you'd seen Akio.

"People from school." You reply, telling the truth but not all of it.

This seems to make him even happier, his wings fluffing up even more and a series of happy chirps escaping him, him not making an effort to cover them up like he has to in public. Red feathers flurry, bringing you some yen notes without you even asking for them.
You still weren't used to accepting money as readily as Keigo gave it out, the memories of your family struggling with money still stuck in your mind and forming habits that were very hard to break. So the second the cash is in your hands, you try to hand it straight back to Keigo, only for him to shake his head and hold his hand up.

"No. Need you to have money so you can get there and back safe." Keigo replies. "And then you can get food and stuff if you're out for a while. Don't forget it's Christmas soon."

He winks at you playfully and nudges you with his elbow a couple of times.

"Are you asking me to buy you a Christmas present while I'm out?" You ask, faintly amused. "With your money?"

"C'mon." He nudges you again. "A little summin summin?"

You roll your eyes, slipping the money into your hoodie pocket.

"I'll see what I can do." You reply, ignoring the excited chirp from Keigo as you agree to meet Akio.

You pat his head in the way you'd tried to start doing as a show of casual affection as you get up and pass to change, and you get a crimson feather quickly coasting over your cheek in return, even though Keigo doesn't move an inch off the couch.
You change out of your pyjamas and put on a skirt and tights as well as a baggy cropped jumper with a black cami underneath.

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