Being Trusted

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**CW: Vague descriptions of sexual assault.**

"Sure you can!" Keigo replies, his mood lifted from how well the day has gone as he unwraps a chocolate he grabbed from the center of the coffee table.

She seems sheepish, really, when he pays attention to her properly, too busy indulging in actually being able to enjoy eating and having free time to spend doing things he actually wants to do beforehand.

"Can you try not to get mad at me?" She asks, her voice barely carrying.

"Oh. That kinda talk, huh?" He asks, his wings sinking slowly.

She looks away, her own wings drooping too. Keigo immediately feels unsettled, his wings tingling ever so slightly. Something was wrong, and not wrong like before, seriously wrong this time.

"There's this boy..." She begins slowly, curling in on herself.

Keigo's silent, the tingling in his feathers getting worse. Pregnancy? Surely not. She was too young to be doing stuff like that. A bully, maybe? She never had an issue putting Keigo in his place, so he can't imagine her taking any shit from anyone else.

"I met him online when my parents were still alive and... well, it was just a lot of flirting."

Keigo tries to keep his expression soft, especially seeing as she looks visibly embarrassed. He could imagine it was probably embarrassing to have to talk to him about this kind of stuff. Not too dissimilar to him having to have these kinds of conversations with Rai, it's intimidating, and she's young.

"And then when I started going to UA I saw him, and found out that he goes there too. Um... He kissed me a few times and I wasn't... it's awkward in school."

"Mhm." Keigo hums in a strained way. He already doesn't like where this is going.

"Uh, and then..." She squirms a little. "He locked us both in a music room and-"

"Name." Keigo interrupts.

"Please just..." She pleads, but doesn't finish her sentence.

He shuts up again, trying once more to soften his expression, but he's unable to control his panting from the stress of the situation and how his feathers slowly begin to sharpen one by one.

"He touched me a bit but after a while he let me go." Y/N explains, looking more and more embarrassed as time goes on. "And that's... why I didn't really want to go to school again, because what's the point when you're kind of being hurt in a school full of heroes?"

Keigo kind of wants to explode, kind of wants to not be listening to a fourteen year old talk about this stuff, and also wants to find the little fucker and kill him in a way he knew he'd be able to get away with doing.

"But he was a little nicer after that, so when he asked to meet up in town I thought it'd be okay. I thought it'd be safe, too, because it's in public and there'd be loads of people and heroes around." She continues, her eyes fixed on the floor so she doesn't see Keigo's wings getting sharper with each word. "And it was nice! He was normal, and we went shopping."

Keigo's wings are still tingling in a way that means that something still wasn't right, so he doesn't let his guard down just yet, waiting to hear more.
And just like expected, more came.

"But then he dragged me into an alleyway, and wouldn't let me leave." She admits, beginning to cry finally. "And I kind of just let him carry on because I thought he'd let me go sooner if I did, but it hurt and-"

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