"The Jarl Ingemar!" A yell outside the doors of the great hall announced the war commander's arrival.

"Rise," Saga ordered, their chairs scrapping back as they all rushed to stand.

The doors of the hall burst open, and Ingemar walked with purpose through them, animal furs decorating her armour and her axe at her back. With her, she had three warriors who held wooden boxes.

Ingemar stopped at the steps of my throne, dropping to one knee and thumping her chest firmly, "My Queen."

"Stand," I smiled thinly, pushing myself up out of my seat with some difficulty, "you are a friend."

Ingemar stood in one swift motion, gesturing to her three warriors, "I have brought gifts, My Queen, for your children."

"How kind of you," I eyed the warriors as they opened the boxes, and both Emil and Rúna crept towards them curiously. "What are they?"

Emil let out a loud gasp before his hand went down into the box, and he pulled out something that glittered in the candle lights of the room.

"Axes, My Queen," Ingemar grinned wolfishly, "Hoder sends his best."

I let out a quiet laugh, shaking my head, "I should have expected no less."

Ingemar hummed under her breath, turning to face the council as well, nodding in greeting, "I must say, I was surprised to be summoned."

My joy dimmed again, and I cleared my throat, motioning for her to sit in the seat Saga had vacated for her. "The situation is not so good, War Commander."

"Yes," Ingemar nodded, sitting down promptly, "I heard the news as I was crossing through Bebbanburg." She shook her head, removing her gloves from her hands, "May Edward be cursed."

I frowned in confusion, sitting back down as well, "Edward? We are here to speak of Aethelflaed's death and the defences. I know nothing of Edward."

Ingemar paused, one of her gloves halfway off her hand. She blinked at it slowly before she looked to me, "You do not know?"

"Clearly, she does not, so you will speak fast and explain yourself," Henrick huffed, taking Rúna's new axe from her hands and sitting it down on the table.

Ingemar was not phased by his annoyance, and she turned to me, bowing her head slightly, "My Queen, the situation in Mercia has changed."

My heart jumped nervously, "How so? Has Aethelflaed risen from the dead?"

A few of the council snorted good naturedly, but tension filled the room anyway.

Ingemar met my eyes, "Aethelflaed wished to leave Mercia to her daughter, Aelfwynn."

"Yes," I nodded, "I know this already."

Ingemar straightened out, placing her hands on the table, "The Mercian Witan did not agree."

"How can they not agree to natural succession?" Saga muttered, "What have they decided instead?"

Ingemar sighed heavily, "I heard that Edward wished to swear Merica... to Uhtred."

My heart dropped to my feet.

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