chapter : 07

685 48 51

you're a criminal as long as you're mine, I want your love.
love. love. love.


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"you've known him for a week, and... you're saying-"

"i think one week is enough time. i felt sparks on the very first day. now what would you say for that?"

"just don't make foolish decisions because you got seduced by a boy."

"i. was. not. seduced. for the nth time, yoongi. now will you shut the fuck up about that?"

"alright, chill- man, calm down. whatever. now what do you want me to do? do some black magic so that he will like you back?"

"i'll take care of that." the pale faced man put up his hands in defeat, "he need no black magic to love me back."

"excuse me- love?"

"i don't know, yoongi. i've never felt like this before. i think he just pulled a string that nobody dared to, before. these are so new to me."

yoongi looked at his friend with mouth wide open. in complete disbelief.

"you okay bro?"

"is this what falling in love feels like?" taehyung asked curiously, completely ignoring whatever his friend asked of him.

"you're being dramatic tae. what scares me is that, you say these shits with a straight fucking face."

"exactly. does it look like i'm joking?" he asked with his poker face, the muscles in his face are tightening more. "i'm damn fucking serious. i've fallen in love."

yoongi could only shake his head in disapproval. scared to say one more word that would go against taehyung's claims, because if he did, he's seeing the worst of him.

but anyways, that won't affect yoongi. he's scared of no evil.

"whatever." he can't believe that, his friend already started to believe that he's in love. THE kim taehyung? in love? nah

"i said all of this to you, just because i consider you as my friend."

"you're saying all this because your only friend, that is, your brother may not believe you either."

"tsk. you're half wrong. i don't wanna tell him until i make jungkook mine. oh, he is mine. but you know the drill."

"stalking him won't make him like you back. the boy's
probably scared, taehyung."

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