Chapter 13

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Long chapter alert

What it is to be loved?


When I was 15, my happiest memories were soaring through the sky, watching the clouds glide around us as mamma holding my hand with the softest affection, clutching her eyes closed, baba muttering sweet nothings in her ears as the plane took off, suddenly the year next riding a plane became a painful memory, because it was just me, no one holding my hand and no one showing me the different shapes of clouds and now years later it has become a detestable job of my martial life a vocation signifying we had fought again, and I was running away, running away from pulling her into me.
Ishani was the chaos I drew myself into and now I was spiralling into the aftermath of it,so destructive,so catastrophic yet I couldn't help but walk back to her.

The driver pulled out my luggage, thanking him I opened the gates, its half past 11, the living room was all ajar, there were some loud noises and banging of utensils from kitchen, probably Avyaan or bade papa trying to find his late night snack, not wanting to face either of their confrontation I swiftly pulled my bags upstairs, she must be asleep, there are three things she loves at most shoes, chocolate cake and of course sleeping.

Without making any noise, I pushed peon the door to be swarmed by a warm gush of hot air, why in the hell is it burning in late September my eyes twisted over to the air conditioner to find 30 degrees flashing upon the screen and next they narrowed down to the person who was sleeping soundly wrapped in tuft of blanket, how can she even sleep when I am drenched within minutes after entering this Sahara desert she has made.

Sliding my bags in the corner, I picked up her sketchbooks and the pencils scattered on the floor if only god had traded some of her looks for sense of organisation, my life would have been so easy, but then again I signed up for it didn't I?

It never defied to irk me how my bathroom had overtime turned into a expensive boutique salon, all I could see were the numerous serums, face packs, hair shampoos, conditioner body wash and whatever shit makes her smell like my favourite perfume all over the counter with my toothbrush and few of my material stacked in the corner, even the towels had changed had their colours my black turkish towels were now in shade of pink, purple and green? Who even has towels in green colour.

Taking a quick shower I walked into closet, wrapping the 'green' coloured towel around my torso, opening the cupboard I could see the spots of her invasion her too, I had built up an entire room just to occupy her clothes but here I am finding her hoodies stacked with mine.

Sighing I reached out for the T-shirt, pulling it over me, only to be pinned down against the cupboard by a petite frame, looking over my shoulder I saw my dearest wife struggling to push me against the cupboard with a pencil pointing at my neck ,cute.
"Woah woah easy their princess, I might get hurt by that pencil, look at it, it looks SO sharp" I scoffed eyeing the blunt pencil, manuvering her hands around my body, letting them loosely hang around.

"Drop the sarcasm Hriday, what are you doing here?" She asked turning me around throwing way the pencil on the nearby couch, yup we have couch in the closet, you need to when she spends half of her time here, I was thinking of installing a mini kitchen too.

"Oh shit Sherlock, did I break your fantasy of being a toofani detective" I smirked,but it was washed away the moment my eyes landed on her, is this how she dresses when I am not around, covered in nothing but a white transparent lacy slip dress, which absolutely did no job in shielding anything away from my view, my imaginations finally met reality and never had my imagination failed me this much.

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