Chapter 3

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I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

The newly added member of Raichand family stood ajar taking in the lavish mansion, Sinha's were rich enough but what the Raichand's owned was royalty richness ,the creme coloured pillars the rich marble and the illuminated room, screamed old money vibes.

"Ruhi Ruhi!!!" Maanvi's voice broke the young girl's gaze from the chandelier, smiling at her curiosity she pointed towards the kalsh which was kept in front of Ruhanika .

'Grihpravesh' right, Ruhanika stretched her neck towards her newly wedded husband who gave her boring look saying 'come on get it over'.

Coming from a traditional family, she had expected the entire Raichand clan standing at the door,for her welcome, but alas it was just her elder sister-in-law, with some house help, who had no intention of standing there and just wanted to go home and sleep.

Looking at the Ruhanika's crestfallen expression Maanvi explained, "maa was feeling little dizzy so papa took her to the room and well Ishani is not home yet..."

Nodding at her words Ruhanika kicked the kalash and entered the house.

"What part of the sentence, didn't you understand, you fucking bastard, I want the fucking document in front me in 30 minutes, or else it will be your fucking head lying on your suspension letter." Abhyant continued shouting profanities on his phone as he paced back and forth across the couch, where the 2nd eldest Raichand, sat  scrolling his fingers through his phone, unfazed about his shouting cousin running a marathon around him.

Weirdos she thought

One can't utter a sentence without using a swear word in it and other sits there poised, not batting an eyelash towards the nuisance happening in front him.

"Who messed up this time?" Avyaan smirked popping down on the sofa, besides Hriday, who still made no efforts of moving his eyeballs towards his cousins.

Avyann slowly removed his sehra, looking around as he neatly kept it on the table.

Looks like there's someone he is really scared of,Ruhanika thought remembering how Ishani had swatted his hand away, when he grumbled about the sehra being heavy.

"Why the fuck do I even hire them, when they are fucking incapable of getting the fucking job done", Abhyant let out an irritated breath, rubbing his thumb over his eyebrows.

Hearing the colourful vocabulary spewing out of her elder brother in laws mouth, she turned her head to his wife, who stood there with her hands folded over her chest with ' I am so done' expressions.

"Come on Ruhi let me show you your room", Maanvi marched away not sparing a glance towards the Raichand brothers who were now engaged in an animated conversation.

His room.
Our room.

The room was an exact persona of his personality,creame curtains hanging against cedar brown colored walls, his sketches and pencils were littered around the table,the biking jacket lazily lying around the bed, she moved forward and saw a guitar being placed near the little library closet,she remembered how he used to sneak off with his elder brother's guitar during the recess hours to impress the girls with his bathroom singing art.

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