Chapter 9

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The more you love more you suffer

"Sir the project we have been working on just go presented apparently it was kapoors."


The name continuously rang in my mind, reminding me of the purple emotions of betrayal I had buried, flaring up once again. How many times was I going to be stabbed by her, every damn time those blue baffle me, make my heart feel in end to be slashed off.

"Sir Ishani ma'am is waiting insi....." not letting my secretary finish I barged inside my cabin, the sudden impact of door hitting the wall made the woman causing havoc in my mind stand up from the chair.

"Hriday hear me...." I wasn't in mood to hear the pleadings, 'Hriday I didn't do it', I had lived this film before and I definitely didn't like the ending, it was all the same I poured my heart out she stomped it with her 6 inches Stuart weitzman.

"You aren't allowed in my cabin, I don't like wolf's sniffing around my work, I asked you to wait in the meeting hall, what the fuck are you doing here" my breathing intensified and her lavender whip splash which brought serene tranquil to my mind was strongly overpowered by the rage igniting in my heart.

"I am your wife, and I believe it would be frowned upon if Mrs Hriday Raichand who owns 50 percent of her husband's shares is sitting alone in the meeting room like a bloody client" her head tilted upwards to match my gaze, as the icy blue orbs confidently matched the burning flames of mine.

"Well then let me clarify it you Mrs Raichand, wife's do not betray their husband, let alone twice"

" I wasn't your..

" wife or best friend you were a traitor back then and you are traitor now, tell me Ishani is it fun breaking my trust every damn time, because for me it is not, it was not easy to digest the person who had brought life back for me becoming the reason of its downfall"

" Hriday it's been 6 yea.."

" 5 years, 8 months, 12 days and the memory is still clear in my mind, blame it on my memory or the effect you had on me, I still live the moment everyday and it still manages to pierces my heart with the same intent I experienced years before" I had caged her down with my body against the table, her light blue shirt heaving up and down a signal for me to step aside, but my brain had different things on mind.

"You sold my code to your father, the fucking code I had worked my ass off for 4 years and now that your incompetent plastic face sister is appointed as the MD what are you gonna do?...... fucking sell my entire family's wealth" my voices echoed against the cabin, fuck the soundproofing I am pretty sure the entire floor could hear the booming voice of mine.
I wasn't a fan of shouting and howling , hysterics have always been Abhyant's forte, but this women in front of me was testing my waters.

"" a slight quiver in her voice could be heard yet those blue eyes defied any signs off defeat, "I was an idiot alright?.......I was stupid and the most moronic best friend , I was blinded by my emotions and couldn't think straight and I am truly whole heartedly sorry for it, this what you want to hear, because I have said this almost 1000 times and I wouldn't mind saying this again and again if this is what it's going to take for you to forgive me" the tears which were pooled in her eyes slowly descended down, " I agree I did betray you back then, but this time it wasn't me, it wasn't me when your document got stolen, it wasn't me when your deal was sabotaged..."

" yet every time the first person which strikes my mind is you, ever thought about it why, because you didn't betray me, you cheated me, it wasn't a spur of moment it's just you... you are the snake which eventually bites off how much you tend love it"
I should probably stop
"Your father realised it years back and I am realising it now, its good that your mother didn't survive, she would have been so disappointed" the words flew out of my mouth before I could even realise, as her defences flared up, long gone were the tears as her body striked back.

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