Chapter 11

413 31 11

Am I the villain in my own story

Meher? The Kapoors? has Abhyant lost his mind, I glared at him through the corner of my eyes, curtly smiling at the man standing behind my sister, Arjun Shetty the asshole son of Kunal Shetty the CEO of Shetty & co,"Ishani Kapoor" taking my left hand by surprise he planted his lips on the back of my palm, eliciting the raised eyebrows from my dear brother in laws, but before he could extend his greetings with the other Raichand ladies, Abhyant successfully tackled him into a handshake, yet the young Shettys's gaze remain fixed on my eldest sister in law, interesting.

"We were expecting a full board? Is Hriday running late" of course you were sister, I scoffed settling down, Abhyant had asked Neha to accompany Maanvi and Ruhi into the next room, something to do with the Shetty's eyeline which never left Maanvi's figure.

"Ishani" Meher called again as I nodded bored by her antics , this was not going to be a business meeting at least with her sitting here.

"I asked where's Hriday" oh he is .... Wait a minute where's Hriday? Avyaan has said Hriday had asked me to sit in for this meeting and he never does that unless he is travelling, I looked at Avyaan who had the guilty expression masked on his face, so he was out of town, thanks for letting me know Hriday.

"He is out of town" I answered widening the smirk on her face, "is he? where have you dispatched him this time or should I say where has he escaped this time" although immune to jabs, it did make my heart squeeze an inch, our little hide and seeks had escaped their capacity in past 6 months,we hardly been in the same room for less than 100 hours and no matter how much I tried to deflect it, I had longed for his presence every night.
I craved from him like a sun asking for the moon, not shinning in the same light but just being there for each other.

"Itne asani se me tumhara picha nahi chodne wala Ishani, you are stuck with me"

Stuck with me bullshit

"Ishani"snapping my attention back she wiggled her brows, making me roll my eyes at her, isn't she too much invested in my marital life rather than concentrating over her newly bestowed business.Looking at my right I could already see Abhyant transfixed gaze, god this is going to be difficult.

"I believe our today's meeting was about our contribution in this partnership and not about my husband's whereabouts, he is a busy man Meher, which I suppose your 'fickle minded running away from responsibilities' brain will find pretty hard to understand" not waiting for her reply I moved my attention towards the other Adid-ass in the room, whose newly found interest were my eyes,my lips,my boobs? because that's where his attention was.

"Mr Shetty" snapping my fingers in front of him, "what are your demands?" I asked, giving a little nod to Abhyant indicating him to finish this fast.

It was as if two toddlers were given a free pass in the business park all we heard were the ego boosting impractical ideas the two buffoons presented for fucking 60 minutes, and the look on Abhyant's face was somewhere between am I loosing my shit and did I loose my deal to this incompetent asshole.
It was absolutely comical seeing Avyaan trying to hold his laugh, watching Abhyant's face tick off.

Finally after the dreadful hour , Avyaan had let my dearest sister and the boob fetish Shetty out of the room concluding the meeting.
Sighing down Abhyant propped up in his seat," this is what you get singing a deal with two nitwits"

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