This statement somewhat reassured the passengers. With the cabin no longer shaking, they stood up again and returned to their seats.

Bai Yu had managed to grab onto the seat handle in time, so he didn't get thrown out like the other passengers.

The broadcast claimed it was an accidental impact?

Currently, airship aviation technology is mature, and there are fixed routes. The possibility of colliding with meteorites is almost zero.

Therefore, unless someone deliberately collided with them, it's hard to imagine causing this level of shaking.

At this moment, Bai Yu felt someone approaching beside him. He turned his head and saw the face of the blond youth close by.

However, the other person didn't look at him. Instead, he stared expressionlessly out the window, reaching out as if to lift the sunshade.

Midway through, he sensed something. Suddenly standing up, his eyes fixed on the entrance.

The gate there was tightly closed, only opening when the staff delivered meals.

The female voice on the broadcast kept repeating: "Please remain calm, return to your seats, and fasten your seatbelts. We are quickly investigating the malfunction and will resume travel shortly."

"Please passengers..."


The voice that had been relatively calm just now suddenly screamed, echoing through every corner of the cabin via the broadcast system.

The passengers were all stunned.

Then, there was a burst of noisy interference through the broadcast, almost painful to the eardrums.

Then, silence.

Neither the voice of the staff member just now nor the subsequent noise could be heard anymore.

As the broadcast quieted down, the cabin fell into silence as well.

After a while, someone exclaimed, "What's going on..."

Soon, someone responded to him. The entrance gate suddenly burst open with a kick, slamming against the surrounding walls with a loud bang.

Entering through the door were a dozen or so fierce-looking men. They were wearing tank tops, revealing their muscular arms. Each of them had exaggerated tattoos on their arms.

They held laser guns in their hands, poised to shoot at the passengers' heads.

"Squat down, all of you! Squat down!"


The situation was daunting. Most of the passengers were recent high school graduates who had never encountered such a scene before.

The few omegas were already frightened, huddling down with their heads covered. While most alphas managed to keep quiet, they were visibly trembling with fear, obediently following orders.

Following this group of tough men was unexpectedly a female alpha. She was chewing gum, wearing a headscarf, and equally muscular.

She grabbed a beta female by the hair and shoved her to the ground forcefully, demanding, "Bring out all the omegas!"

This beta female was the staff member who had made the announcement earlier. Everyone else had been subdued by the unwelcome intruders, but she was brought along.

Trembling, she stood up, looking at the scared passengers, feeling sorry for them.

"Don't just stand there, move!"

 After I Turned From O to A I Became the National Male GodWhere stories live. Discover now