Seokmin said ," Let's not do it. I don't want anyone else getting involved." Everyone stared at him with disbelief

" Since, when were you this noble ?" asked Minghao

" Are you bullying your friend?" teased Mingyu

" Guys, don't go off topic " said Chan.

" Discuss the plan first " said Seungcheol

" How about we wait for him at his dorm this evening ?" suggested Seungkwan

" Wait !" shouted Seokmin

" My sister is picking me up this evening. " Everyone just shook their head in annoyance.

" Let's just continue following him. We might get lucky" continued Seokmin

Meanwhile, Joshua's gang :-

" Guys, you guys do the project the teacher gave us, Jun and I will go to the photocopy shop." said Joshua. Others agreed.

While walking, Jun noticed a flyer on the faculty's notice board. It was about a music competition.

" Josh, look at this" said Jun, pointing towards the flyer

" I saw this earlier in the morning. Look at the poor quality of the print. The letters seem like they're flying and-" Joshua was interrupted by Jun

"Come one !!! That's not what I want you to look at . Read it : THE MUSIC OF LOVE" Joshua just looked disappointed and said

" You know I quit playing a long time ago"

" Come on, just one last time " pleaded Jun. 

" No Jun, there are many other people more talented than me "

" You wait here. I'll go and get the application form. You can decide if you still wanna participate or not."

"Don't make an excuse to not work. I can go and get it myself" said Joshua.

" Yah !!! I work hard "

" I know the quality of your work. Just go Jun " said Joshua. Jun had no choice but to do it.

Seokmin heard their conversation and planned something. He asked others to follow Jun while he tracked Joshua. Others also agreed.

Joshua walked towards the Music room. He didn't even notice that someone was following him. Seokmin saw him enter a room. He didn't enter the room as he didn't want Joshua to start a fight with him. He had given his sister his word. Also, he didn't want to let Joshua know that he was umm... stalking him. Sadly, luck didn't favor him. Mr. Min, the in-charge of the competition saw him. 

" Are you here for the form ?" asked the teacher. Seokmin clearly couldn't say that : '  No sir, I'm here to stalk my enemy ', could he ??

Seokmin just nodded with a hesitating smile. 

" Come inside " called Mr. Min.

Joshua saw he teacher enter. He greeted him politely, with a soft smile. His face dropped as he saw  Seokmin enter the room. 

" Mr. Min, I'm here for the Music contest application." Joshua said while staring at Seokmin.

" Which faculty are you in ?" asked the teacher. Joshua and Seokmin replied at the same time, "Architecture" "Engineering

Mr. Min just nodded while coiling the wire of a mic. 

" I'll get you guys the form to fill in " said Mr. Min while searching a drawer nearby.

" Oh dear, I only have one left. Wait here, I'll go make more copied. " continued the teacher. Both the students just hummed in agreement. Seokmin went to a nearby drum and started tapping the sticks in an uneven beat. It was just to annoy Joshua. He forgot about the promise. Joshua was known to be the most patient student of Architecture but Seokmin was something different. Joshua tried hard to control himself but  that kid wouldn't stop.

Joshua decided to annoy him using the same trick. He took a nearby guitar and started playing it loudly. Seokmin face changed at the other's action. You wanna fight, let's fight. He started beating the drums harder. Joshua was no less. Both the teens forgot about everything and started playing. Mr. Min came inside confused and shouted

" Easy guys !!!" Joshua and Seokmin were clearly embarrassed.

" Sorry. They ran out of ink. You two make your own copy, okay ?" asked the teacher. Joshua said " Sure, bye sir" and took the form from the teacher, before leaving

" Thank you and goodbye sir " said Seokmin as he followed Joshua outside. Joshua and Seokmin went to the admin office to get a copy of the document. While Joshua was getting the work done, Seokmin called Minghao and asked

 "Hello, how's it going over there ?"

" We haven't got Jun yet."

" What are you waiting for ?"

" Calm down bro. He disappeared into thin air !! I'm in front of his workshop studio now."

" Let's call it off today, continue tomorrow"

" Wait wait !! Someone is walking into the studio. I think it's him"

" Then beat him up for me, will you ? I can stall Joshua for five minutes or something"

" Yes "

Seokmin cut the call and went towards the counter. He called out Joshua's name, but saw another student standing there. He asked the staff inside the counter ," Excuse me, where did that guy with the form go ?"

" He left a while ago, he asked me to charge you " replied the man

Seokmin looked around and saw Jun, talking to a girl. Wait then, whom did Minghao see ?


Joshua was walking back to his studio. He heard few footsteps. Someone kicked him from the back. he turned to see a few Engineering student, Seokmin's gang to be precise. He knew a few of their names. A tall guy called Mingyu was holding a phone, for recording. Other people, Seungkwan, Chan and Minghao were also there, waiting to beat him.

After seeing Joshua, they all got scared. Mingyu gulped, Seungkwan was stammering. They had got the wrong guy!!!!!!


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