Chapter 7: Ouroboros

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Ji Yushi walked over.
Equipments are locked?

Song Qinglan’s profile was very attractive. He furrowed his brows, “How is it locked?”
Duan Wen explained, ““The main control panel is offline, and the command centre cannot be contacted. The capsules also don’t work. It seems to be because of the electromagnetic waves here. The magnetic field here seems a little different but it’s still not certain. Perhaps the transition just now had something to do with it. Right now, all that we can use is the communicator. We’re basically trapped here.”

Everyone heard the news and one after another they began to cuss.
“What about the mission?”
“I even said that the mission would be over tomorrow and invited a girl out for dinner.”
“You’ve fucking slagged so many. It’s endless.”

At this moment, footsteps could suddenly be heard from the forest.
Adhering to the principle that a traverser must remain low profile and shouldn’t be discovered by the original residents of the land, everyone quietened down.
Duan Wen who was in charge of the machinery immediately turned off the capsules and changed into a hidden state under his control, turning them completely invisible.

Everyone waited quietly in the forest, motionless.
As the sound of chaotic footsteps approached, Ji Yushi suddenly had a strong hunch…….Sure enough, when he finally adapted to the darkness, he saw that it was a filthy looking drifter.

“Grrr—– grrr—-”
The drifter growled strangely and lashed out only to be thrown onto the ground by Li Chun. Soon afterwards, the man lashed out again.
“What the hell?!” Li Chun didn’t expect the other party to fight back. He only felt a strong stench flash by and then it was followed by a sharp pain in his shoulder, “Fuck!!!”

The drifter had left a vicious bite on Li Chun’s shoulder!
With a ‘thud’, the drifter was kicked three or four metres away by Song Qinglan!

Duan Wen supported Li Chun up, asking worriedly, “Chun’er! How are you?!”
Fortunately, the Guardian’s combat uniform had armour on the shoulders. Li Chun hissed in pain. Fortunately, that bite just now only left toothmarks and didn’t seem to have pierced through the skin.

In the darkness, Song Qinglan smoothly subdued the drifter and then raised his chin, “Chun’er, is this someone you have slagged? Seemed to have chased you all the way here.”

Amidst the teammate’s laughter, Li Chun had already tied the man to a tree.
And so Ji Yushi turned on the flashlight and walked over.

Under the strong light from the flashlight, the man’s grey and turbid eyes as well as his pale skin covered in blue-green blood vessels was revealed. There were also blood stains and small pieces of flesh on him which emitted a strong, disgusting stench.
“Grrrr——” The drifter’s expressions were hardly human. He still had his mouth wide open, trying to bite the people around him as he struggled against the rope.

The expressions of the teammates changed.
This scene was too shocking. Ji Yushi however looked on without flinching, as if he wasn’t disturbed by this at all.

Li Chun whispered in a small voice, “I told you the air here smells.”

Song Qinglan frowned. He looked at the man for a while before turning off the flashlight and speaking, “Alright, I should’ve checked my fortune for today before leaving. To think that we broke the record of being discovered by the original residents of the land the fastest. No one is allowed to report about this when we go back. If we get any more points deducted, those bastards in the ninth squad will surpass us.”
He stood up and continued, “For now, leave that person nearby. Someone will naturally find him and call the police. We can’t see anything in this darkness so we will need to get out of here to find a way to contact the Tianqiong in this time period. When we go out, pay attention to your surroundings. Be very vigilant as you may come across a murder scene.”

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