Chapter 62: Rubik's Cube

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From the time Tang Qi and Li Chun fell in through the hole until the time Ji Yushi reopened it, it had taken a dozen of seconds at most.
It was impossible for them to reopen a door and leave in such a short period of time, let alone leave Ji Yushi behind. But where did they go?

Ji Yushi thought of the mission mode —– Rubik’s Cube.

He scanned through the room below and saw that there was also a small ball floating in that room. It was the same colour as the one in his current room; red. In addition to that, a silver-white ladder had also appeared under the opened hole to help people go to the room below. Tang Qi and Li Chun had directly fallen through because they hadn’t had the chance to react.

To go or not to go?
After some thought, Ji Yushi bit off the zipper handle from his clothes with his teeth.
He had nothing on him, let alone a pen. This was the only method for him to leave a mark behind. Holding onto the small zipper handle, he forcefully carved a ‘7’ onto the ground.

In the unlikely event that his other teammates would come to this room after he left, they could at least know that they were here before and wouldn’t waste time here.

After he was done, Ji Yushi stored the zipper handle back in his pocket and then climbed down the ladder into the new room.

As soon as he stepped onto the ground, he heard a ‘beep—-‘.
Immediately afterwards, a circular hole and a ladder appeared on the wall to his left. A new entrance had opened in this room.

Someone was coming.
Could it be Tang Qi and Li Chun?!
Ji Yushi’s pupils constricted.

The first person to appear was a woman.
Caucasian, blond hair, blue eyes. Her hair was cut very short, and she wore black and gold tight fitting clothes. She climbed down from the ladder and very soon reached the ground. Her height was actually a little taller than Ji Yushi. Her entire being looked very cool and handsome — That is, if she wasn’t pointing her gun at Ji Yushi.

Ji Yushi took a step back and raised both his hands.

A man appeared behind the woman.
This was a black-haired young man with oriental features. He wore a uniform similar to theirs, but the style was different. The young man’s face and hair was stained with blood that was now almost dry.

The black-haired young man was startled the moment he saw Ji Yushi. He didn’t seem to expect seeing another person here.

“Search him.” The woman spoke. The language used was English.
“Okay.” The black-haired young man said.

The two wore different uniforms. They didn’t seem to be teammates. The black-haired young man didn’t have any weapons. One could tell from his tone that he had no choice but to listen to the woman’s instructions.

The black-haired young man first apologised before searching Ji Yushi from head to toe. All that could be found was a box of medicine and a game console. That was all.
“Check complete. Safe.” The black-haired young man said.

The woman stored away the gun and began to check the room. She seemed to be looking for something.

Ji Yushi lowered his hands, “Can you return the things to me?”

“Huh?” The black-haired young man raised his head, his eyes meeting with Ji Yushi’s.

It was a pair of very beautiful and clear eyes with long eyelashes half obscuring the emotions in the eyes. Paired with a particularly outstanding face, it was something that should have left the black-haired young man in awe but somehow, he also felt a chill through him.

“My things.” Ji Yushi repeated himself, “Could you return it to me?”
“Ohhhh!” The black-haired young man quickly returned the items in his hands back to Ji Yushi and apologised again, “Sorry. Really sorry about that!”

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