Chapter 64: Rubik's Cube

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Zoe in front of him took out her dagger and got ready to carve a number onto the ground.

But there was already a mark on the ground.
The three people who entered couldn’t see Ji Yushi, nor could they see the mark that was already carved onto the ground.

Ji Yushi stood behind Zoe and could clearly see her carve the number 11 over the already existing mark on the ground with her dagger.
Following that, Zoe stood up. Just like before, she took down the red ball floating in the air and pressed the switch.

They began to check the colour of the rooms surrounding this room.
After Morita Yu checked two, he went to the ladder on the left and shouted, “Red!”

Ji Yushi stood in place and watched ‘himself’ walk through him as he approached the ladder on the right.

He was like a ghost that shouldn’t exist and couldn’t be perceived. He turned and watched ‘himself’ climb up the ladder, “Red….Wait.”

They had discovered the head in the room on the right.
They then chose to go to the room on the left.

The actions and dialogue of the three of them had replayed once again. Morita Yu had once again died in the room on the left.
Ji Yushi watched the chaos that followed; Zoe’s disbelief and his own face turning pale. He watched ‘himself’ take his medication and then saw them test out the rooms with gum.
They were trapped in the room.

Ji Yushi was like an outsider as he watched everything replay. He then saw ‘himself’ walk over to the corner, sit down and start playing on his black and white console. Zoe on the other hand paced around the room before stopping and sitting down in daze with her eyes vacant.

What was going on?
After having so many bizarre and unbelievable experiences, Ji Yushi was able to remain calm while facing a situation like this.
The room he was in seemed to start from the moment they entered and end at the moment Zoe left, and everything was replayed. If that was the case, what happened to the rooms with the red balls on the right and left side?

Ji Yushi took down the ball in the room — After removing it, there was still another one floating in the air. It was the one from several hours ago. He tried to touch it, but his hand just went through it like how ‘himself’ went through him.
This meant that they didn’t exist at the same time.

Carrying the ball, Ji Yushi climbed up the ladder on the left.
He opened the hole leading to the room on the left and saw that Morita Yu’s body was still lying there. Morita Yu’s head was also still there in the room on the right. The yellow ball in the room above however had changed into a room with a green ball.

Ji Yushi checked all six rooms.
From the order of top, bottom, left, right, front and back, it had changed yellow, green, red, red, blue and blue to blue, blue, red, red, green and blue. That is to say, except for the two rooms on the right and left, all the other rooms had changed to blue or green.

This change had occurred because Zoe left the room. Every time someone went from one room to another, the original room would move.
And so, the rooms around the one Ji Yushi was in had undergone some changes.

Please read this from kk translates

Ji Yushi noticed that, of the six rooms around him, except for the red rooms on the right and left, all the other four rooms had changed.
He stopped in place and his mind worked quickly as he tried to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

Ji Yushi noticed that if he put the unchanged rooms; left room, the room he was in and the right room, into a line, the current situation was like the entire line he was on had advanced a step to the left or right.
Sure enough, in Rubik’s Cube, just as he had said to Morita Yu and Zoe before, each time they moved, it wasn’t just a single room moving, but rooms that are connected to the room either vertically or horizontally moving together.

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