Chapter 24: Ouroboros

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One floor.
Two floors.
It was just a short distance of going down two floors, it was clearly very close, but it became a path to survival that almost seemed unreachable.

The respite from their future selves seemed to have given them a chance to breathe.
Time seemed to have slowed down. The wave of zombies resurrected, the building gradually restored itself and the giant spider appeared hanging from a thick spider thread. At this very moment, all the changes that happened were processed in slow motion as a result of heightened senses and pumping adrenaline.
Ji Yushi supported himself using his purple hand and followed the teammate in front to jump down when he suddenly found the floor below him gone.
As soon as his feet landed, seven or eight pairs of pale hands stretched out from the sides. He looked up and saw several distorted faces with grey eyes and drooling mouths rushing towards him.

“Bang, bang, bang——-”
The teammates behind him fired rapidly and a gap suddenly opened before him.

“There is a gate here!” Tang Qi shouted. His gun continued to fire rapidly. The giant spider that was injured by the gunshots staggered and knocked down a bunch of the zombies.

Zhou Mingxuan cursed. Together with Song Qinglan, they leaned back.

The half-open gate only allowed for them to squeeze through.
After everyone went through the gate, Duan Wen quickly went and pushed the hydraulic level, “Broken! Fuck!”
The gate couldn’t be closed. Zombies madly drilled in.

But at any rate, it was better than having no place to hide. Everyone continued to shoot while retreating. Their goal was the next floor down.

“Slap!!” The road ahead was blocked.

An unknown object had fallen from the sky, blocking their way.
It wasn’t a zombie and it also wasn’t a giant spider. Its slimy body was covered in mucous and it curled up painfully on the ground as if it were a person.

Duan Wen recognised him first and rushed forward to help him.

“How is he?!”
“Take him along! We have to go!”

Zombies filed in from the gate that couldn’t be closed, and new zombies were constantly emerging from all directions on this floor.
“Boom! Boom!” The gate made a loud noise and the number of zombies suddenly reduced a little. It was the giant spider ramming itself against the gate. Cracks had appeared on the walls on both sides of the gate, and it looked like it was on the verge of crumbing under the pressure!

Together with Duan Wen, Ji Yushi knelt down and supported Li Chun up.
Li Chun’s entire body was covered in mucous, including his nose and mouth, making it hard for him to breathe. He looked like he was about to suffocate. The mucous was extremely slimy and sticky, Duan Wen tried several times but couldn’t get it off. He was so anxious, his eyes were red, “What to do?!”

The situation was critical. Ji Yushi threw down his gun and used both hands to pry open Li Chun’s mouth, “Hold him down!”
Duan Wen looked at Ji Yushi who was still extremely calm despite the purple arm and bleeding abdomen and watched him grab the mucous layer and, with blue veins on the back of his hand looking like it was about to burst, he cut out a small hole in Li Chun’s mouth.
Air instantly poured into the throat and then into the lungs. Li Chun couldn’t help but stiffen and then start to gasp for air.

In just those few seconds, there was a deafening ‘clang’. The giant spider had already broken through the gate and rushed in together with the wave of zombies!

The giant spider was in front and all around them were zombies.
They have seemed to reach a new crisis.

Everyone froze for a moment.
Even with the existence of a time anchor and the fact that they could be resurrected after death, they were still humans made up of blood and flesh. An unstoppable hero suddenly arriving to save the day like the movies didn’t happen, they only had themselves to rely on.
The bombs they had brought along were almost all used up. The assistance from ‘Team 6’ just now seemed to be a reminder to them of how important it was for them to be well equipped.

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