Chapter 38: Chaos

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Big Beard’s space capsule was very large, and they also weren’t here for a very long time so not every room had been entered. As a result, they were unaware that there was also an escape capsule in there.
Seeing that something was happening on this end, Big Beard walked over with his teammates. This team from PU-18 was also very young. While Big Beard talked to them, they looked curiously at the man kneeling in the middle. He seemed to be explaining to them what happened to him during this time.

Ji Yushi looked at Big Beard and asked him something.
Big Beard was slightly surprised for a moment and then he nodded and said something back.

Ji Yushi told his teammates, “There is indeed an escape capsule in there which was left by another team previously. It can be used after restoration.”

Li Chun was confused. He couldn’t help but ask Xie Sian, “But as long as the crevice is closed, everyone will return to their original places. What do you need the escape capsule for?”

Xie Sian knelt on the ground staring at the people in front of him. He didn’t answer.

Cap Qi said, “Because he doesn’t want to return.”

The Tianqiong twelfth squad was sucked into the crevice during their mission and were trapped here, unable to find a way out. While they were trapped, they discovered Big Beard who had been living alone in the space capsule and with the help of Big Beard, they managed to gather all the parts that were still usable to successfully repair one of their capsules.
There were however many of them and only one capsule, so everyone negotiated and decided to wait until there were enough capsules gathered before preparing to return.
However, this wait lasted several months.
This barren land with no distinction in day and night as well as the limited supplies very quickly made them unable to stay here any longer. As a result, they decided to find a new way out.
One day, several teammates joined together to rob Big Beard —- Somehow, they had mistakenly thought that Big Beard would sneak off alone with the capsule and it resulted in a fierce dispute. It was only when Cap Qi and the two other teammates arrived, that they realised that it was because Xie Sian had ‘misunderstood’ Big Beard due to the language barrier.

In such a desperate setting, it was hard for one to differentiate between good and evil. Cap Qi decided to believe him.
This time, in order to avoid a similar situation from happening again, Cap Qi and several of the teammates brought Xie Sian along when they went to scout out the area. Together, they entered the rainforest and were in there for an unknown period of time. After taking a break and eating by a creek, they started to develop symptoms of food poisoning. Only Xie Sian was fine.
It was him who had added poisonous mushroom juice into his teammates food and killed them.

As for what happened to Xie Sian after he left the rainforest, everyone could basically guess it.

Rain poured heavily.
Thunder boomed.

Big Beard stood on the side and muttered a few words. Ji Yushi interpreted at the same time, “Big Beard was hurt during that, but he didn’t hand over the key to the capsule so Xie Sian and the others could only find another way out of this place. As for whether those people got lost or died in a situation similar to Cap Qi’s group, only Xie Sian knows.”
Having said that, Ji Yushi paused, “Big Beard didn’t tell us about the existence of that capsule because he was worried that history would repeat itself and Xie Sian didn’t expect that fifteen years had passed after leaving the city.”

“So he lied to us from the beginning.” Li Chun was miffed, “When we came out of the rainforest, he had clarified the relationship between himself and Big Beard. It was because he wanted to return with a clear conscience.”

Xie Sian’s plans had fallen through. 
He didn’t expect that this group of people with Tianqiong’s mission would quickly discover that this was a crevice in time and would treat this predicament as a mystery to be solved. When he learned from Ji Yushi about how they could get out of this place, his surprised expression and passionate emotions concealed the panic inside him.
He must’ve been scared. If all his teammates could really be resurrected and they could really return to how it was before they were sucked in, then it was a dead end for him.

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