Chapter 97: Overload

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Following the rope, Ji Yushi slid all the way down.
He knew that Tang Qi and Tang Le had gone to the 116th floor unsuccessfully and had already encountered zombies while Zhou Mingxuan and Duan Wen were also overwhelmed by them when they went down afterwards so he could only reluctantly determine that the control room wasn’t on the 116th floor. At this moment, Duan Wen very bravely hung from the railing on the 116th floor and jumped down to the 115th floor, accurately joining Li Chun who was shooting at the zombies. They had already begun to search the next floor.

Everything was developing the way Ji Yushi remembered. He could even clearly remember their next set of actions and what their next words would be.

Amidst the intense gunfire coming from each floor, Ji Yushi calmly watched on. He did his best to stay clear minded without being disturbed by his memories.
When he slid down from the 122nd floor to the 119th floor, he heard a loud explosion. The shaking made him subconsciously come to a stop.

“What’s going on?!”
Song Qinglan who hung from the rope above him suddenly asked.

Ji Yushi looked back only to see that a giant hole had formed on the 119th floor railing. A large group of zombies fell from it like dumplings.

Dust and smoke scattered. The situation behind the railing couldn’t be seen clearly.
Ji Yushi accidentally inhaled some of the dust and smoke and couldn’t stop coughing, “…..Cough, cough, cough!!”

This scene was something that never happened in Ji Yushi’s memory.
If he really wanted to use the ‘role playing’ analogy to describe his current situation, then this was a plot point outside of his expectations.

Song Qinglan who had just experienced death and rebirth also discovered this. This development clearly wasn’t something he remembered and that was why he asked that question.

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Ji Yushi coughed until his eyes were red and teary.
Just as he was about to answer, he saw through the smoke and dust a tall figure slowly appear.

That person had broad shoulders and he domineeringly held Shen Mian in his hands. The red energy magazine was glowing.
It was another Song Qinglan!!

Ji Yushi instantly understood that this was the Song Qinglan from the earlier cycle. It was only after they were all annihilated on the 119th floor, that their current cycle started. In other words, he had met with the Song Qinglan from the previous cycle—-This was about to create a paradox. It meant his current self and his teammates may soon disappear!

The other party also saw him. That cold expression changed slightly.

One hung in the air while the other stood in the opening in the railing.
There was only about a two or three metre distance between them.

This Song Qinglan was clearly the same as the one above him at this moment.
But strangely, those seemingly bottomless dark eyes made Ji Yushi feel that there was something different. A faint electric current seemed to rise from the depths of his heart, making the tips of his fingers numb.

The Song Qinglan above him was still saying something but Ji Yushi couldn’t hear him anymore.
At this moment, all the gunfire, zombie growls and curses coming from the teammates from every floor and from every cycle sounded very distant.

How could this be?
Why was the Song Qinglan from the previous cycle reacting differently from his memory?
Could it be that he actually wasn’t from the previous cycle? But why was he on the 119th floor?

The other party was in a dangerous situation. After only staring at him for two or three seconds, a new wave of zombies appeared behind him, and he had no choice but to direct his attention to them.

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