“Shouldn’t we wait for Amber?” M’gann spoke up as Amber was the only one not there. 

“Amber we’ll be here soon,” Aqualad assured M’gann telling her that Amber had something to do before heading over. The others then headed outside to meet Red Tornado.



Amber B-00 

The automated voice rang out as a flash of light appeared and out of the Zeta Tube came Amber.

Amber walked out of the Zeta Tube looking around to find the group. As she looked around she didn’t find anyone. Amber then stops and listens for any voices to be heard and soon enough she could hear KF’s big mouth. Amber then made her way to him, she assumed the others would be there as well.

Amber continued walking finding that everyone was standing outside of Mount Justice. As Amber made her way over, Superboy probably having heard her footsteps looked over his shoulder spotting her. Superboy only gave her a grunt in greeting. The others having heard him turn to see what was wrong when they all spotted Amber walking over.

“Well look finally decided to show up,” KF said with sass. From behind Amber’s sunglasses, she gave KF a bored look not wanting to deal with him so soon. 

“Come on, Red Tornado is almost here.” Amber came to stand next to Aqualad.

“Why are we waiting for Red Tornado?” None of them had bothered to tell her why they all needed to be here to wait for Red Tornado before she came here.

“To see if he has any missions for us,” Robin told her excitement all over his face. Amber raised an eyebrow in response. ‘Isn’t Batman the one giving us missions.’ Amber was about to tell them just that, but after looking at the two very excited teens' faces she refrained from doing so. 

They then saw Red Tornado coming as he landed on the ground wind blowing everywhere.

“Red Tornado!” KF gave a wave to him.

“Greeting. Is there a reason you intercept me outside the cave?”

“We hoped you had a mission for us.” Aqualad's calm voice came out.

“Mission assignments are the Batman’s responsibility.”

“But it’s been over a week and nothing-”

“You’ll be tested soon enough.” Red Tornado cuts Robin off.

“This team is not a social club.”

“No, but I am told social interaction is an important team-building exercise. Perhaps you can keep busy by familiarizing yourselves with the cave.” Tornado then walks past the group of teens into Mount Justice.

“Keep busy,”

“Does he really think we’re falling for this?” “Oh, I’ll find out.” 

M’gann then what Amber assumes to believe read Tornado’s mind.

M’gann’s expression then becomes one of disappointment causing Amber to raise her eyebrow in question. 

“I’m sorry, I forgot he’s a machine, inorganic. I…cannot read his mind.”

“Nice try though,” KF then goes to comfort the girl, before it's replaced with a flirtatious smile.

“So, uh, you know what I’m thinkin’ right now?”

“We all know what you’re thinkin’ right now.” Robin then elbows KF.

“And now we tour the clubhouse,” Aquald says sourly.

Deck of Cards Series: Life Is like A Deck Of CardsWhere stories live. Discover now