chapter 34

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" Just try it once " Alora points at door .
" You know I can't open this " liora claims . Alora thought it will be better if liora just opens the door and go back to her world but it's not that simple . If she could do that she would have on the first night she came here . Alora forcefully brought liora here .
" We will see it when you will try "
" Ahh , okay let me try "
Liora moves towards the door and tries to open it . It depends on her wish , she never wished ti go back . She looks at Alora and her fierce eyes , liora gives her a fake smile and tries again . The click voice makes liora fluster . Alora immediately moves to see what's beyond the door . The pathway is full black .
" Are you sure about this ? "
" The choice is yours liora do you want to stay here and hurt people or go back to your world and live your life your normally "
" I have a bad feeling about this . So I should get going "
" Goodbye liora "
Liora moves forward and reaches the opposite side of door . The door closes suddenly with a loud thud . She moves in darkness , nothing is visible . She notices traces of fog . The air is cold . She keep moving forward and get stopped by a wall . A whole wall . There is no door here to open . She stops there and tries to look for someone to help but could see no one
" Hello " liora screams in echo " is someone here ? "
No reply
" Please someone help me "
The air is freezing cold . She is stuck in darkness .

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