chapter 21

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Darius pulls liora on the dance floor , in the centre . Everyone watches . They reach the centre and the music starts . Darius hands reaches for liora's back and he pull her closer . They both start dancing looking in each other's eyes .
They both might seem peaceful from afar but only Darius and liora knows the tension .
" Why are you pretending being a good husband ? " liora avoids eye contact.
" Why are you pretending being a good wife ? " Darius lips forms a straight line . " Really tell me were you not waiting for me there sitting alone "
" You think very great of yourself "
" Am I not ? "
" My respect for you is the lowest from anyone in this room "
" Careful my lady anything you say to me here can be used against you in privacy "
" I will kill you before that "
" You know you can't kill the dead "
" What about pain , do you feel pain ? "
The only thing which can truly hurt me is your choice of words for me " 
Liora looked at Darius , see that his eyes are staring at her . " Why are you making me feel guilty when you are the ruining my life "
" You heard Arianna's words which were intended to keep you away from me and she succeeded ; my wife eventually want to hurt me now . "
" Those words were true "
" Those words were half of the truth "
" So you can tell me the truth "
" The truth I know of is I never tried to experiment on you . The one thing I know of it is not possible for a mortal to live in a immortal world . Years before some mortal sneaked in the underworld and ended up badly . I have always been worried about you . I don't want the same thing happen to you "
" Can't you just send me back to my world ? "
" Don't you think I have already thought about it , If I could I would have done it long before . You should consider this world yours .
Liora stops dancing , freezed in one place . Darius only watches her .
" But what if something bad happened to me , what if something hurt me ? "
" In my presence no one can touch my wife "

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