"I'll have somebody bring you yo stuff I don't want to see you no more since I'm a fvcking mistake"

"Baby I'm sorry I didn't meant that", he walked to me closing the door wrapping his arms around me. "Im just mad, you know I don't like secrets"

"I don't care Marcus, they don't have nothing to do with me or you honestly. They have enough going on with each other than to be worried about what you think and feel too, let them come around when they want to", I said more calmly.

"Alright you right, I'm sorry baby"

"I know you are, you still need to go. This right here, let's me know that we don't need to be together"

"Stop, don't say that I was just mad"

"I don't care, you can't control what comes out of your mouth when your mad and you 28 years old. Grow up and take responsibility for yo self, you've always said dumb shyt when you mad and that's not an excuse. When you grow up foreal and not think you grown up then come Holla at me"

"I am though. Stop trying to fight me, we together. We here, I'm not going nowhere so stop pushing me away. And don't take this off yo finger, no matter what dumb shyt I say you know I don't mean it foreal", he put the ring back in my finger and kissed me but I didn't kiss him back. "Stop Debbie"

"You stop, you in the dog house until I say otherwise, especially since you made me call off a spa day. You catering baby boy, starting with cleaning up. Get to it", I pushed him back off of me and I started walking into the living room again but he slapped my axx. "Don't do that no more. I'm like a stripper during private dances, you can't touch or you'll get thrown the fvck out"

"Really we doing it like that?"

"Uh yeah, I'm not letting shyt just slide like I used to do. You will not disrespect me, you won't take my kindness for weakness, you won't degrade me, none of that. Don't think you supposed to say anything to me, get mad at me for getting mad and when I prove you wrong you just gone apologize. No its not happening this time around. Fix yo self and come at me correct", if this was a show with an audience I'd think people would applaud right now.

It feels good to finally stick up for myself. My head was so far up his axx I'd let him get away with anything and I'd tolerate everything. No that's not going to keep on happening, I've grown and even though I'm not fully grown I'm happy I've at least started.

"Okay, I hear you baby girl and I apologize for treating you less than you're worth. I didn't mean to come at you like that"

"I accept your apology and you still on the private room rules. Oh and uhh get comfortable down here cause you not sleeping with me tonight. You need to get the kids from my mom and clean up, the house is a mess. And finish the twins room since we got more stuff for them, have fun", I went back into the kitchen to pick out something to eat and I went upstairs to my room, better known as my sanctuary. I ate and I rested, finally a day of just me.

Kee's POV

Me and Jaime was laying there together. Her arms were wrapped around me and I just laid there tracing her tattoos.

It felt good to be around somebody that truly want you around. That don't just tell you what you want to hear but tell you how it is. I really do like this and I been thinking about getting used to it.

After laying there for like 6 mins I had to pee. I got up and headed to my bathroom. I released myself and did my hygiene before turning the shower on.

I got in the shower and stood under there letting the hot water cover and relax my body. It felt so good, it felt like after last night and with this hot shower I have no stress in the world right now.

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