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"Hmm?" the Italian finally awakes by the soft call from the woman next to her.

Maya whispers and strokes Carina's upper arm up and down slowly , "I have to go. My shift is in an hour. I have to go to station early."

"Why?" the Italian woman mumbles against Maya's chest and nuzzles against it, showing no sign to move yet.

"What why?" Maya's confused by the question.

"Why do you have to go to station early?" the sleepy Italian woman specify her question.

"Well, I need to take a shower and I'll be late if I go home for shower first."

"You can use my bathroom." Carina mumbles.

"I still need to change into my uniform."

Sounds like Maya really needs to leave. Carina rubs her eyes and rolls to lie on her back, letting her girlfriend to get off the bed.

"Fine. Be careful at work, bambina."

However, the blonde firefighter seems not in a rush. She leans in with a smile. "Can I kiss you? I promised to give you a kiss and a heads-up before leaving."

Not that sleep Carina can sees the smile on Maya's face, but she hears the expectation in her voice.

Carina puts on a goofy smile and opens her arms. Maya takes the hint leaning closer and presses her lips on Carina's softly.

The Italian woman wraps her arms around Maya's neck pulling her into the kiss.

It was supposed to be a peck, but sleepy Carina means clingy Carina. A chaste peck becomes a linger deep kiss.

"I love you." Maya whispers against Carina's lips with a blissful smile.

"I love you, too." Carina gives Maya another peck, a chaste one.

The blonde firefighter pushes herself up, but her clingy girlfriend doesn't loose her arms, "Carina, I have to go to work."

The Italian woman smirks and rolls to pine Maya under her, keeps leaving soft kisses on Maya's cheeks and jaw line, making the blonde firefighter chuckles.

When Carina told her enough and she hung up the phone, Maya definitely not thought of her morning after apologize would be this flirty and pleasant.

I'm a stubborn idiot refused to admit my love to this gorgeous woman.

Who am I kidding with?

She's so beautiful and sexy and hot, not to mention extremely good in bed.

You're a lucky bastard, Maya Bishop.

Just when the blonde firefighter immersed in her own mind, enjoying Carina's lips on her.

The Italian woman moves her lips lower and lower, leaving kisses down to Maya's neck.


"Carina..." Maya whispers, feeling the soft bite from Carina."You're going to leave marks."

"Mmm-hmm." the Italian woman hums and continues her work.

"19 will see it." Maya says and gently scratches Carina's scalp as a hint to stop her.

The Italian woman pauses and pushes herself up to look Maya in the eyes, "19 is gonna know sooner or later. Besides, you said you want the world to know that we're together."

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