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It's only 6 at night and Maya already wants to go to the bar and drinks off her day.

She sighs and takes off the training gloves and opens her water bottle.

She lets out an annoyed groan when her water is out. Now she has to walk out of the gym to have some water.

"19, I wanna introduce you a doctor who's going to helping our clinic on Thursday."

Andy says walking to the beanery with Carina following her.

"This is Dr. Carina Deluca." Andy gestures her and Carina waves at the firefighters. "Hello."

Maya turns immediately when she hears Andy and Carina's voice. "Carina?"

"Maya! Hi!" the Italian woman's eyes light up and smiles brightly at her.

"You two know each other?" Vic glances between these two and asks.

Andy explains to the team, "Maya is the one introduced Carina to me. We met in the ER when I got tinnitus last time."

"You're helping clinic?" the blonde asks in confused. She hasn't ever heard it from the Italian doctor.

"Si. Andy told me that your clinic needs volunteer."

"Carina?" Warren walks into the beanery from the rec room and he's surprised to see Carina is at the station.

"Ben! Hi! It's been a while." Carina is surprised to see her colleague showing up in a fire station with firefighter uniform.

"You two know..." Vic points at them and waves off, "Of coursed you know each other. You're both doctors at Grey-Sloan."

"You're the doctor who's helping us next clinic day? It's great!" Warren smiles wider when Carina nods as confirm his question.

"Have you meet the team?" Warren points at the firefighters, wants to introduce the team to Carina.

"We're about to introduce ourselves before you entered and interrupted us." Vic rolls her eyes playfully and reaches out her hand, "Hi, I'm Vic Hughes."

"Hi, Vic." Carina shakes Vic's hand and smiles back.

"Travis Montgomery. Nice to meet you." Travis walks to Carina and reaches out his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Travis." Carina shakes his hand, too.

Jack clears his throat before reaching out his hand, smiles widely "Lieutenant Jack Gibson. Thank you for volunteering to help in the clinic."

"Happy to help, lieutenant." Carina shakes his hand as well.

"So...what's your specialty, Carina? Not a trauma surgeon, I guess?" Jack asks.

"No, I'm an OB." Carina shakes her head lightly and curious about Jack's words. "Why do you think I'm not a trauma surgeon?"

"I've never seen you in the ER. I would remember such a beautiful doctor if I have." Jack smiles cheekily.

"Yeah, we only go to the ER when we got paged." Carina says and glances at the blonde standing behind Jack.

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