Bishop And Fire Family

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The blonde firefighter wakes up early as usual, the unusual thing is a woman sleeping next to her.

A beautiful Italian woman.

Carina lies on her side and Maya can only sees her back.

She gets off the bed and walks to the bathroom quietly.

Just when she's done her morning routine and opens the bathroom door. She pauses.

Carina's sleeping face is so beautiful, stunning and attractive. She stands at the bathroom door and admires Carina sleeping for a minute.

Half of that Italian woman's face buried in soft sheet, only revealing right upper body. Her tanned skin makes a strong contrast with white sheet and pillow. She looks angelic.

Weak sunshine passing through the small gap between curtain and window remind the blonde firefighter the time.

Maya walks to her drawer taking out a pair of socks, and sits on the chair to put on socks and sneakers.

"Mmm..." the noise of drawer awakes the sleeping Italian woman. Carina turns to lie on her back and blinks, noticing someone is at the corner.

"What time is it?" Carina asks and reaches out to grab her phone on bedside stand.

"6:30." Maya replies, tying her sneakers.

"Isn't your shift start in 2 hours?" Carina asks again. "Why do you all dress up?"

"I'm going to go for my morning run before work." Maya stands up and walks to Carina, "You can go back to sleep if you want. No need to leave right now."

"Aren't you coming back to shower before work?" Carina yawns with frowning eyebrows. It's too early for her and the blonde firefighter leaving her alone in early morning is not a good start of a day.

"I'll run to station and shower there." Maya says and takes Carina's water glass, and comes back with a full glass. "You're off shift today. You can go back to sleep until noon as usual or stay as long as you want, OK?"

Carina nods reluctantly, "Grazie, bella."

Maya smiles at the Italian woman and about to leave, Carina stops her by pulling her arm.

Maya turns to the Italian woman and being kissed by Carina. A chaste kiss on her lips and Carina whispers before lying back to sleep, "Have a good day, bella."

"...You, too." Maya whispers and leaves the room, going for her morning run.

That kiss is normal, quick, very chaste, with so much care. Plain, but good. Very good. Like around by soft cloud.

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