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"If I had to undress to taste the best hot chocolate, I'd gonna taste not only the hot chocolate but also the one who makes it."

Carina stares at the text the blonde firefighter replies, amused by it.

Consider they just had an uncomfortable conflict not long ago, Maya seems in pretty good mood right now that she flirts her back.

She bites her bottom lip and types her reply,

"So...I get to have your nudes and sleep with you? That sounds a good deal to me."

A few seconds passed by, her text are read. However, Maya doesn't text back.

Carina can't help but wonders if Maya is still blushed or thinking how to tease her back.

On the other side of the phone, Maya takes a deep breath trying to figure out what Carina means, if she's serious or joking around.

She decides to ask her directly and tests the water,

"Are you kidding or being serious? I swear I have no idea when you're flirting or not. You make everything so...not serious."

The Italian doctor sees and comes up an idea quickly, she hits the facetime call button.

Maya answers after the second rings.


Carina can't help but her smile widen when she sees Maya pick up her facetime call,

"Ciao, bella. Your cheeks are pink right now."

That woman...

Maya rolls her eyes playfully and groans slightly, "Do you call me just to see me blushing?"

Carina chuckles at the grumble of that blonde firefighter, "Si, you're very cute when you're blushed. Also, I'm calling to answer your question."

My question?

Maya raises an eyebrow not sure what Carina means, " are saying?"

The Italian woman smirks and puts on her best seductive voice,

"Either kidding or being serious, I'm up to the deal. Are you going to send me your nudes or I can take it in person?"




Maya is speechless and her brain stops functioning after Carina's answer.

And her whole body feels like running into the scene surrounding by the fire.

"Now even your ears are red." Carina bursts into laugh points at her with laughing eyes. "Awww. You're so adorable."

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