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In an instant, our ears were met with an anguished cry, prompting the three of us to instinctively flee from the confines of the chamber.

As we emerged from the confines of the room, the enigmatic woman, whose curious gaze was fixed on us earlier, stood before us with arms outstretched, directing our attention. Yet, as I endeavored to discern her intended target, it became apparent that her aim was not upon us, but rather fixed upon some ethereal presence hovering above. With trepidation, I inclined my head to ascertain the object of her frenzied gestures, catching but a fleeting glimpse of crimson orbs before lights went off and darkness enveloped us. A surge of apprehension coursed through me, for I intuitively comprehended that those otherworldly red eyes, positioned high above, belonged unmistakably to a being of unspeakable inhumanity.

Quivering with trepidation and a palpating heart, I extracted my mobile device and ignited the luminous beam. Guiding its radiance towards the aged woman, who was fervently gesturing towards an elevated entity, I beheld an abomination that would forever haunt my consciousness.

The woman hovered weightlessly above, her eyes aflame with a haunting scarlet hue, while her lips curled into a bone-chilling smile that stretched from ear to ear. With an unwavering focus, she directed her gaze towards our trembling forms, releasing a wicked chuckle that bore no resemblance to a mere mortal's mirth, but rather a sinister, otherworldly resonance that reverberated throughout the expansive abyss. Abruptly ceasing her laughter, she then unleashed a piercing scream, her voice piercing the very depths of our ears.


The uttered cry emanating from her lips resembled an unfamiliar dialect, alien to my comprehension. As her wail finally subsided, she collapsed onto the ground, coinciding with the restoration of illumination. The receptionist, once exuding an air of unwavering confidence, now mirrored our collective terror, her gaze fixated upon the prone figure before her. Bella, incessantly barking throughout the ordeal, sought solace in my presence, likely a result of the harrowing spectacle she had just observed. Driven by instinct, I sprinted towards the woman, apprehensive of any potential harm inflicted upon her fragile form. Leah and Tommy trailed closely behind me as I closed in on the woman's feeble attempt to rise.

"Are you okay?" I inquired while assuming a kneeling position by the woman's side. She raised her head and surveyed the three of us, her eyes flitting from one to another, while an unmistakable expression of perplexity graced her countenance.

"They're following me. They won't stop until they kill me," In a hushed tone, the woman murmured, her voice trembling with an air of mystery. I remained immobile, my gaze fixed upon her, struggling to unravel the enigmatic message she had just imparted.

"Who are they?" I spoke in a hushed tone, mirroring the cadence of her voice. With an air of trepidation, she vigorously shook her head, casting fearful glances in my direction.

"I can't say," The woman murmured softly while persistently shaking her head. "You have to do something before they take your soul too. You have to do it now before it's too late. Now!"

With a commanding tone, the woman's voice resonated in the air, compelling me to straighten up and hasten towards the exit alongside Bella. In tow, Leah and Tommy trailed behind, mimicking my steps as I pushed open the transparent door and ventured into the open. Standing outside the library, a heavy sigh escaped my lips, as the weight of uncertainty pressed upon me, leaving me perplexed and at a loss for a clear course of action. As I ran my fingers through my auburn locks, self-reproach washed over me, as I assumed responsibility for the predicaments in which I had entangled myself.

"What are we going to do now?" Leah inquired, her countenance mirroring my own perplexity. I exhaled audibly, my mind devoid of any semblance of a solution to our predicament.

"All the secrets lie within the house, and now that we have uncovered the identity of the spirit haunting the house, we have to search every room and find out more about how she died and who murdered her," Tommy's utterances exuded sagacity as he spoke, eliciting an affectionate smile from me. His adeptness at unearthing solutions was truly admirable, for it was through his unwavering determination that we delved into the depths of knowledge within the library. Alongside Leah, these two remarkable individuals have consistently remained my steadfast allies, undeterred by any adversity that befell us.

"You are so smart," I conceded, a warm smile spreading across my face as I beheld Tommy. For a fleeting moment, his eyes met mine before descending towards the ground, his hand instinctively reaching up to rub the nape of his neck.

"Really?" With a gentle upward gaze and a faint smile, he addressed me. I responded with a nod, my own smile lingering, as my attention shifted to Leah. Her hand concealed her mouth, a clear indication of her attempt to stifle a grin.

As we reached Tommy's car, I ushered Bella and myself into the backseat, while Tommy settled himself into the driver's seat and Leah occupied the passenger seat. With unwavering determination, Tommy steered us towards the place I didn't even want to refer to as my house. The mere contemplation of the house swiftly stripped away the fleeting remnants of happiness within me, leaving sorrow to consume my being. I gazed pensively out the window, burdened by a sense of melancholy and a flurry of thoughts racing through my mind. Desperate for a respite from my restive thoughts, I sought solace in the view before me, only to find my attention drawn by the diminishing buildings, signaling our approach to the ill-omened house. I yearned for the mere evaporation of the house, wishing fervently that it would dissolve into the ether and render this entire ordeal a figment of my imagination. Alas, I was acutely aware that such a whimsical desire would remain unfulfilled, thus resignedly embracing the inescapable destiny that lay before me. With my chin propped up by my hand, I found myself deep in contemplation, musing over the rapidity with which life waned, witnessing thriving neighborhoods morph into deserted farmsteads, enveloped by desolate fields where vegetation languished in its slow demise. This tableau failed to offer solace to my troubled mind, instead exacerbating my anxious disposition.

While I found myself immersed in contemplation, my focus was abruptly diverted by a peculiar sight along the path. Straining my vision, I endeavored to discern the figure positioned at a distance from our vehicle, only to be seized by an overwhelming astonishment as I swiftly discerned his identity.

In that moment, the very same individual whom I had previously glimpsed darting across the bustling thoroughfare, an incident that had left me momentarily fearing a collision, materialized once more. Clad in his resplendent ebony attire and clutching that familiar satchel of a rectangular nature, a conspicuous alteration drew my attention: his opposing hand no longer remained unoccupied. With an ardent determination, I endeavored to narrow my vision and approach the window of the car, yearning for a more precise examination of the object he clasped within his left palm. Regrettably, the excessive velocity at which Tommy propelled the automobile thwarted my attempts at a comprehensive appraisal. Yet, when the fleeting opportunity eventually presented itself, the revelation that unfolded before my astonished gaze elicited a rapid dilation of my ocular orbs and a thunderous tumult within the depths of my chest.

It was the doll.

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