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"Are you sure we're going to find anything here?"

Leah posed a question to Tommy as our gazes fixated upon the colossal edifice that loomed in front of us.

Fortunately, I was discharged from the hospital after only a brief stay. My leg, which had been badly bruised, was now wrapped in a bandage, causing me to walk with a slight limp. Thankfully, the excruciating burning sensation that had consumed my leg had disappeared, leaving only a tolerable ache. Upon leaving the hospital, we climbed into Tommy's car and set off to an unknown destination. It wasn't until we arrived that Tommy unveiled his plan in great detail. The immense structure looming before us, he explained, was a library - an ancient one that had once enjoyed widespread acclaim but had since fallen out of favor. Tommy assured us that within its walls resided a section dedicated solely to preserving the newspapers and articles from years past. He confidently proclaimed that we would surely uncover any relevant publications or documents pertaining to the history of the house and the events that unfolded within its confines.

"I'm pretty sure, I know this place quite well as I have visited it a lot of times before, and I remember I once saw a newspaper stating something about the house," Tommy elucidated, his eyes transfixed upon the grandiose edifice with a vintage allure that loomed before our very eyes. Both Leah and I were enthralled by Tommy's prodigious expertise on architectural wonders, for our own knowledge in such matters was woefully lacking. In bold, indelible letters, the phrase "Public Library" was etched into the facade above the entrance, while a sprawling garden enveloped the immense structure, demarcated by a lengthy pathway, resplendently paved in the center, leading to the entrance. Undeniably evoking a sense of establishment dating back to a bygone era, the library nevertheless exuded a magnificence that was undiminished by the passage of time.

After a brief interlude of immobility, we consciously retraced our path into the confines of the library. Tommy, being the vanguard, ushered himself through the colossal glass entrance, and I, accompanied by Leah and Bella, followed suit. The library's inner sanctum proved to be a veritable treasure trove of allure, surpassing even its enchanting exterior; colossal towering shelves housed countless tomes, meticulously arranged in harmonious proximity. A grandiose table, encircled by an abundance of vacant chairs, save for a solitary seat, commanded the room's attention.

"Where do you think you're going?" The resonant timbre of an elderly woman's vexed utterance halted our progress abruptly. My gaze instinctively veered in the direction of the sound, revealing the visage of the receptionist—a woman donning a pristine bun that restrained her snow-white tresses, bedecked with rectangular spectacles. Her scrutinizing appraisal, tinged with palpable disdain, suggested that we were naught but refuse receptacles in her discerning eyes.

"We want to take a look at the old newspapers section," With an air of assurance, Tommy approached the woman, her unwavering gaze fixed upon me, her face contorted with disgust. As he stood in front of her, Leah and I joined him, causing her attention to shift from us to a neatly arranged stack of files resting on her desk.

"Which year?" She asked. For a fleeting moment, she turned her attention away from the papers, her gaze momentarily fixed on me before swiftly returning to the pages before her.

"1950," Tommy promptly retorted, causing the woman to cast a final glance at the documents before lifting her head and fixing her gaze upon us.

"At the far end of this corridor, there's a room, there you will find any newspapers and articles dating back to the 50s," The woman explicated, gesturing towards the corridor enveloped by towering bookshelves, the very expanse where the grand table was situated.

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