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3:01 am.


I was roused from my profound slumber by the scarcely audible tread of footsteps.

In the midst of a distant and almost imperceptible symphony of footsteps, a curious disturbance managed to rouse me from my slumber. Gently, my eyes fluttered open, surveying the expanse of my chamber with an intent gaze. My attention was inevitably drawn to the partially ajar door, from which an ominous darkness seemed to seep forth, urging me to avert my gaze to avoid the illusory specters that awaited within. Seeking solace in the sanctuary of sleep, I squeezed my eyes shut and cocooned myself in the warmth of my covers. Yet, as if mocking my feeble attempt at rest, the faint footsteps resurfaced with an amplified resonance, their proximity seeming far more immediate and disquieting than before.

I awoke and mustered the strength to raise myself into a seated position. Lacking the bravery to venture forth alone, I opted to remain motionless upon my bed. The sound of footsteps grew in intensity, as though emanating from the immediate vicinity of my bedroom. My respiration quickened, and I endeavored to quell my mind's tendency to conjure frightful scenarios and ghastly images associated with this auditory disturbance. While I endeavored to persuade myself that these steps could plausibly belong to Leah or Tommy, who slumbered below, the footsteps abruptly ceased their reverberation, plunging me into a state of tense silence. A sigh of relief escaped my lips, as I entertained the notion that the footsteps may have been a figment of my imagination or, perchance, attributable to Tommy or Leah. Alas, my relief proved ephemeral, for my bedroom door began to unhurriedly yield to an invisible force.

As the door emitted a grating creak, it gradually swung open, revealing a corridor engulfed in impenetrable darkness. Hastily, I reached for my phone, activating its flashlight, and cautiously rose from the bed, careful not to disturb Bella's slumber. My bare feet connected with the frigid wooden floor, and curiously, the air grew increasingly chilly with each passing moment. My footsteps echoed across the squealing floorboards, my heart pounding in my chest and my body quivering uncontrollably. Clutching my phone, my hand trembled, fearing that it would slip from my grasp, so I tightened my grip. Positioned at the threshold, I swiftly directed the beam of light along the obscure hallway, diligently examining every crevice. Fortunately, my search yielded nothing peculiar. Just as I was about to retreat into my chamber, a resounding thud shattered the oppressive silence.

In an instant, I deduced that the resounding noise originated from the chamber situated at the far end of the corridor, prompting me to promptly train the beam of light upon its entrance. Evidently, the door had been carelessly left ajar, unveiling the murky contents within. The feeble luminosity emanating from the flashlight failed to adequately illuminate the room, thereby compelling me to cautiously venture closer in order to discern the source of the disturbance. As I focused the beam upon the room, a newfound clarity revealed itself, allowing me to apprehend the intricate details of its contents for the very first time.

The wooden floor was strewn haphazardly with a multitude of papers, intermingled with a profusion of scattered toys. Curiously etched into the floor's surface was a circle, reminiscent of a satanic ritual I had previously encountered online. The prospect of such a sinister event unfolding within the confines of this house simultaneously filled me with trepidation and compelled me to venture further into the room to conduct a thorough investigation. Yet, despite the overwhelming urge to scrutinize the chamber, I resisted and instead turned on my heels, retracing my steps towards the solace of my own quarters. However, as I averted my gaze from the room, a bone-chilling occurrence transpired.

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