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Day two.


A heavy exhalation escaped my lips as I gently set the remote control down by my side.

After summoning Leah by phone to inquire about her availability, I assumed my position before the television and have remained immobile since. In an effort to divert my thoughts from the recent disquietude that has plagued my mind, I endeavored to engage in various television programs. Alas, notwithstanding my vigorous exertions, those disconcerting occurrences persistently lingered within the recesses of my consciousness, whilst a profusion of unanswered queries beset me. Slumber has eluded me since that fateful incident on the thoroughfare, and I have remained awake throughout the whole time, pondering the whereabouts of the enigmatic man I espied. Innumerable attempts have been made to persuade myself that it was a figment of my imagination, yet my conviction remains unwavering that I indeed witnessed him leisurely strolling directly in front of my vehicular conveyance. Adorned in an opulent suit and clutching a rectangular satchel crafted from supple leather, his appearance was further compounded by the uncanny precision with which I have indelibly etched his visage upon my memory.

While absorbed in contemplation, my attention was suddenly diverted by a subtle movement caught in the periphery of my vision. Intrigued, I redirected my gaze towards the source, fixating on the enigmatic doll. Upon my return to my house, I proceeded to transport the doll and accompanying wooden chair to the lower floor of the house, where I felt compelled to observe it intently while I watched tv. There existed an inexplicable compulsion to scrutinize the doll, as an eerie sensation of being under constant surveillance plagued my nights, and I longed to figure out the reason behind that uncanny feeling of being watched that possessed me ever since I found the doll. This disconcerting sentiment persisted not only in the nocturnal hours, but also during the daylight hours while I sat ensconced within my bedroom. Inexplicably, it seemed as though the doll, an inanimate object by all accounts, was ceaselessly fixated upon my very being. Thus, my decision to relocate it downstairs was precipitated by a fervent desire to scrutinize its every move from close quarters.

I grasped the remote control and proceeded to sift through the meager selection of channels. None of the offerings on the major networks held any appeal, prompting me to shift my attention to the news channel. Elevating the volume, I absorbed the monotonous weather forecast, eagerly awaiting Leah and Tommy's arrival to relieve me from the solitude that plagued my being. A smile graced my countenance as I glanced at Bella, who slumbered serenely beside me on the sofa; she alone possessed the ability to elicit a smile from my fatigued spirit, transcending the burdensome weight of my anxieties.

My stomach emitted a low, rumbling growl as I sat transfixed by the monotonous weather report, only to realize that I had not consumed a morsel since daybreak. Determined to satiate my hunger, I rose gracefully from my seat and made my way to the culinary domain. Upon entering the kitchen, my eyes beheld a beguiling sight - a packet of delectable Cheez-Its perched upon the countertop, beckoning to me. Yielding to temptation, I seized the delectable treasure and effortlessly unfastened its seal. Inclined to eschew the arduous task of preparing a full-fledged repast at present, I deemed the Cheez-Its an adequate substitute. With each bite, the savory gustatory experience pleased my palate immensely, yet my ephemeral delight was abruptly interrupted by a commotion emanating from the adjacent living room, accompanied by the vehement barking of Bella.

With haste, I promptly returned the bag of Cheez-Its to its rightful place upon the countertop, and swiftly made my way towards the living room. There, I beheld Bella, positioned adjacent to the once-occupied wooden chair, yet the doll was conspicuously absent from its perch. I scoured every nook and cranny, diligently seeking the whereabouts of the doll, until my eyes eventually alighted upon its presence.

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