Kalisa realized she still hadn't moved from her spot on the bed, but gave up when pain erupted across her entire body. The Griever had got her good.

    "You alright?" Newt raised an eyebrow, coming to sit beside her.

    "Yeah." Her voice certainly didn't do much to convince him. "You?"

    "Yeah." He leaned back and closed his eyes, clearly tired from the long night. "Clint and Jeff wanna check up on you, just incase."

    Kalisa had expected this and just nodded, wishing she could lock Newt and herself up here for the rest of time. Then she felt shame. Newt surely wasn't having and thoughts like this- ditching the Gladers and running away. Newt wasn't that type of person, he would be the last to leave if it meant everyone else got out without a scratch.

    The two sat in silence for a while. No words could really describe how she was feeling. She was heartbroken over the loss of Tyler, enraged towards Wicked and their stupid Grievers, and guilty about letting the boy be ripped from her grasp. If she had held on a little tighter maybe he would still be here.

"Don't let go Kalisa! Don't let it take me!"

    She stood from the bed suddenly, heart racing at the last memory she would ever have from her first friend here. Kalisa walked over to the window and leaned against it, trying to get Tylers voice out of her head.

    She had failed him, and he payed the price by dying.

    Kalisa let out a slow puff of air, watching the Gladers work outside. They should be out there helping, but neither of them wanted to move just yet.

    When Kalisa looked back at Newt, who still sat on the bed, she was surprised to see tears on his face. He was staring blankly at the floor, unmoving. His eyebrows were scrunched together, making him look much older than he really was. Kalisa frowned and moved away from the window, sitting back down beside him in worriment.

    Kalisa hesitated a moment, unsure of how to help him. She thought of all the times she'd been upset, and every single time it had been Newt who'd made her feel happy again. If Newt could do that, then so could she.

    She scooted closer to the blonde boy and wrapped her arm around his shoulders, allowing him to burry his head into the crook of her neck. She held him tighter, especially when he started to cry harder.

Kalisa didn't know what to say, so she said nothing. Newt didn't seem to mind though, he was too busy hiding his face in her embrace.

After a moment Newt turned his head so he could speak, but he didn't pull away from the girl completely. "I'm a pretty shuck leader eh?"

Kalisa frowned and absentmindedly brushed Newt's hair back with her fingers, finding the motion calming for the both of them. "No. Not at all."

Newt sighed as if he didn't believe her words. "It's okay, everyone else thinks so. I mean- can't really blame 'em, I've been in charge for what? A couple days and everything's fallen to shit."

"Thats not your fault." Kalisa said quietly. "Don't hold yourself accountable for things we can't control, remember? We might be suffering now, but I know that the Runners aren't going to let us down."

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