18. Surprise Visits

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POV: Hazel

The day after Hunter hit me was a Saturday, so i wouldn't have to face him again until Monday unless he showed up here for some reason. 

I finally got a good nights sleep for once.

the night before

after dinner, i showered and got into my pjs before going to Masons room. I gently knocked on the door to let him know i was there. he was typing pretty intensely on his phone. as soon as he looked up and saw me, he quickly turned it off and put it to the side, giving me his full attention. i always loved that about him.

"Hey haze, what's up?" he asked. i didn't correct him this time because we were back like nothing ever happened. 

"i don't know, i just haven't been sleeping well and i know if i try going to sleep, all i'm going to think about is Hunter and what he did. would you come to bed with me? you don't have to stay all night if you don't want to, just until i fall asleep" i said, watching his face fall at the mention of Hunters name and rise again when i asked him to come with me.

"of course, anything you need." he said before walking to my room with me. he let me get in first and get comfortable before he climbed in and molded almost perfectly around me making sure i was okay. 

we laid there in silence for a while, with him brushing his fingers up and down my arm soothingly. right as i was about to drift off to sleep he said quietly "you know you deserve so much better". i adjusted my position to face him and put my head on his shoulder. 

"what do you mean?" i asked sleepily. "I saw what he did to you twice today and i heard you two arguing this afternoon." he said gently. "you deserve someone who will listen and understand when you say no". 

"i know, but he means well. he likes it when we are intimate and i do too, he just gets carried away when we're in public" i said, trying hard not to fall asleep. "that's all fine and good, but that doesn't mean he gets to hit you." Mason sounded like he was starting to get angry. 

"i'm sure it was an accident. he wouldn't hurt me on purpose". i don't know why i'm defending him. i know it wasn't an accident. it's the whole reason Mason is in my bed right now. but all i want to do is sleep.

he was quiet for a moment, and then signed. "if you say so Haze, just promise you'll tell me if it happens again?" he asked sternly. "yes sir" i said faking a salute. 

I snuggled closer to him, feeling his body heat radiating off him, and he wrapped his arms around me. I hummed happily and was asleep within minutes.

when i woke up this morning, Mason was gone. i know i told him he didn't have to stay, but i kind of wished he would have. but i shouldn't think that. I have a boyfriend and he has a girlfriend. i just shrugged it off and went downstairs to see mom making breakfast and Mason putting food on a tray. 

when he turned around and saw me he groaned. "aw man, i was going to bring you breakfast in bed" he said rolling his eyes with a smile. "sorry for ruining it for you" i giggled. we sat down and ate breakfast together. "so what are you two up to today?" my mom asked, eyeing us both. "i'm not sure" i said, looking at Mason who shrugged. 

"well, I've got some errands to run but i'll be back later. if you go out somewhere shoot me a text. and don't get into too much trouble" she said with a wink. "we won't" we said at the same time. 

After mom left, i was walking up to my room when Mason grabbed my arm. i turned around to face him and he looked like he wanted to say something. he opened his mouth, and then quickly shut it. his eyes got sad and when he finally spoke, he said "so what happens now?". i wasn't sure what he meant so i just raised my eyebrow at him. "i mean on Monday. when we go back to school. are we going to go back to the way we were before? or are we going to stay like we are?" 

it sounded like this was something he had been thinking about for a while. "of course we're staying like we are. I don't know what i would do without you again." i said pulling him in for a hug. he hugged me back even harder and it seemed like neither of us wanted to pull away. 

when we finally separated, there was a moment where we were just looking into each others eyes. i could tell there was some sadness in his mixed with something else. i still couldn't get the thought of us kissing in the rain out of my head. but there was no way we would ever get back to that. 

i gave him a small smile before turning around and going upstairs to put some actual clothes on. 

I heard the tv come on downstairs and grabbed a blanket and a book and went into the living room.Mason had turned on one of his shows that i don't really understand but i liked the company and background noise so i found a comfy spot on the couch beside him and started reading my book. 

a few hours later

i got a text from mom saying she would be home soon, and that she would need some extra help carrying things inside. a few minutes later i heard a knock on the door. thinking it was mom, i jumped up and ran to open the door to see Hunter standing there. 

"Hazel, i-" he started to say. "no. you don't get to talk to me the way you did and then just show up without warning. weekends are my me days so if you would, please leave and we can talk about what happened and the things that need to be done on Monday" and before he could respond, i closed the door. i turned around to see Mason smiling at me proudly. 

"Atta girl" he said giving me a thumbs up. I heard his truck leave and a few minutes later heard moms car pull in. 

i recruited Mason to help with the bags and we had all of them in in one trip. we all unloaded them and went back to our activities while mom went to her room for a nap. 

I must've drifted off to sleep while reading because i felt arms wrap around me and pick me up. i opened my eyes slightly to see Mason trying to carry me and not wake me up. i closed my eyes again not wanting to spoil it for him. 

he laid me gently on my bed and hurried out of the room, coming back in shortly after to put my book back on my shelf and my blanket around me. i could still feel his presence so i made sure not to move. 

i felt his finger gently caress my cheek where Hunter slapped me. 

"you deserve so much better" he said before kissing my forehead and closing the door behind him.

Later after i had woken up from my nap, we were all sitting down for dinner when another knock was heard at the door. "i'll get it." i said and quickly went to open it. 

"Kayla?" i said with a bit too much disgust in my voice. "Hazel, so great to see you!" she said in her fake preppy voice. i heard a chair scoot back from the table and Mason was quickly beside me. "what are you doing here?" he said nervously laughing, looking a bit scared. 

"oh, just wanted to come see how you were doing is all, i hope i'm not interrupting anything." she said getting louder on purpose so my parents would hear it. "Hazel, don't be rude, invite her in to stay for dinner!" my mom said. an evil smirk played on Kayla's face when she heard. 

"oh, i couldn't possibly intrude" she said, feigning politeness. "it's no problem dear! come make yourself a plate." my mom said, ushering her in.


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