16. Friendly Return

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POV: Mason

it had been a few weeks since i had told Jackson about Kayla's evil plan and called him about the weird hunter thing, so i was just trying my best to play it cool and act like i hadn't told anyone.

Kayla didn't seem to suspect anything and looked like she was keeping true to her word about telling her minions to back off the stalking. but i was still keeping my guard up.

It was almost thanksgiving and all the leaves were starting to turn and fall. Hazel kept getting rides to school with Hunter so i was able to drive in silence admiring the leaves as i drove. school was still awful but i'm hoping Jackson can convince Taylen to come back and sit with me at lunch soon. I can't take another day of sitting with Kayla and the popular Jerks. they don't know it, but they are all wrapped around her finger and i'm the only one who see's it.

When i get to school, i'm barely parked and out of my car before Kayla comes running over and plants a sloppy kiss on my lips. I hated kissing her. she always had way to much lip gloss on and i could feel the pounds of makeup on her face. she would be kind of pretty if she didn't cake it on there like she was going to a beauty pageant every day. 

we walk into school, hand in hand and i'm about to breakaway to go down my hall when i see Hazel and Hunter up against Hazel's locker. He was kissing her way more aggressively than is appropriate for school, and right as i was about to look away, i saw him grab her butt. i saw her face scrunch up and push him away before my line of sight was cut off by the wall as i went further down the hall.

That definitely didn't look consensual to me.

I made a mental note to ask her about it later.

I quickly pulled out my phone and texted Jackson while i absentmindedly walked down the hall, not caring about the people grumbling as i accidentally bumped them.

Me: dude, you have to somehow convince Tay to come back and sit with me. I can't take another day of Crazy Kayla and her Jerk Posse!!

Jackson: been trying to. She's barely budging, but I've got a plan I promise.

Me: you better. I'm starting to lose it

Jackson: as long as you haven't gone to the dark side, you're fine

I chuckled to myself before walking into class and putting my phone away. 

my classes went by as slow as the could possibly go, but i was still dreading lunch. because its starting to get colder out, they closed the outdoor area of the cafeteria so everyone is inside now. I am looking around to fond Kayla and see her sitting at a table with Jackson and a very unenthusiastic Taylen. 

"hey guys, what are you doing here?" i say with a big smile. "i was just asking them the same thing" Kayla spat through her teeth, trying to smile. "we decided that since you're our best friend, we should support you no matter what or who you date. so if you're happy dating Kayla, we're gonna support it." Jackson said with a wink as Kayla rolled her eyes, grumbling. 

"I really missed you guys. thanks for coming around" i say looking at Taylen who's still not the happiest about the situation. "anything for you Mase", she said with a small smile.

Maybe today won't be so bad after all.

As the day finishes out, the smile i had earlier didn't leave my face once. I was so happy to have two of my best friends back. the only thing that was hindering the mood was what i saw earlier between Hunter and Hazel. i hadn't seen them the rest of the day which was fine,  but i still liked to keep an eye on her.

As i walked out to my car with Kayla attached to my arm, we stopped at the Jerk Posse and made meaningless conversation until someone started whistling like they were cat calling someone. "Looks like Hazels getting some action" Nick said tauntingly. I look in the direction he's pointing in to see Hazel pressed up against Hunters truck. he's significantly bigger than her so there's not much she can do if she tried to get away. she looked severely uncomfortable and like she was trying to push him off, when he grabbed her butt again and pulled her even closer. 

I wanted to say something so bad, but Kayla seemed to read my thoughts and gave a look that said "say something and bad things happen". so I just looked at the ground.

Nick seemed to notice my discomfort in the situation and decided to try and stir up trouble. "hey guys, looks like Mason is jealous he never got to see freaky Hazel" he said smirking. Everyone around us laughed and i swallowed my pride and did what i had to do. "me? Jealous? why would i be jealous when i'm dating the hottest girl in school?" and with that i slipped my arm around Kayla's waist and started messily making out with her. 

I was internally cringing. and to make matters worse, she took my other arm and placed it on her butt, while snaking her other arm into my hair. everyone around was hooting and hollering so after a good 30 seconds, i pulled away knowing if i kept going any longer i might gag on all her lip gloss. 

She looked pleased and when i looked over, Hazel had her arms wrapped around her stomach, something she does when she's uncomfortable, and looked sad and embarrassed. once she saw me looking, she quickly turned around and got in the truck, which sped off before the door was fully shut. I was worried about her, not just because she was the one i wanted to be kissing, but because i was worried for her safety. this hunter guy is known for speeding and being violent, not just on the football field.

I scanned the parking lot once more looking for Jackson and saw him and Taylen both sharing looks of concern and sympathy before looking my way with the same expressions. so they saw it too. 

after the joking was done, i drove home thinking about the days events. I had to talk to Hazel. but how could i after what she saw me do? she already hated me and i played into the Jerk Posse's jokes that made fun of her. 

I pulled into the driveway and saw Hunters truck parked there yet again. I walked in to see her mom with a worried look on her face. "Mason,"she said quietly to me "what happened today?" she asked, concerned. "what do you mean?" i asked confused. "Hazel came rushing in crying and Hunter looked like he was about to blow a fuse". 

I knew exactly what happened, but i wasn't about to tell her that i helped make fun of her daughter. "i don't know. i don't see Hazel much at school anymore because she's always with Hunter" i said, slowly. "oh, that's too bad. but if you could, would you try and keep an eye on her for me? i know shes been through a lot this year" she said defeated. "of course. I'd do anything for Hazel" i said, not lying this time.

she gave me a small nod and i went upstairs to do some homework. we didn't have practice today so i decided to catch up on some homework. as i passed Hazels room, i heard two voices. one soft, and the other furious. "i told you i don't like it when you touch me like that, especially when we're at school" i heard Hazel say with a shaky voice. "I don't understand why you don't. all girls like it when their boyfriends are touchy and stuff." Hunter said sounding aggravated. "but i told you a million times, i'm not like them! i don't like things like that. I didn't like it with Nick either but at least he respected my boundaries." she said, her tone growing more angry. "i thought i told you not to bring up past relationships" he said, fuming. "you are with me now, so you shouldn't be thinking of anyone else or pushing away when i want you." he was starting to sound very possessive and I didn't like they way this was going.

"you can't control me Hunter! I'm your girlfriend not your prostitute that you can just order around and force me to do what you want like all the other girls you've been wi-" Hazels sentence was cut off by a slapping sound. "don't you ever talk to me like that again." he said in a rage. "you better fix your attitude by tomorrow." and with that, i heard footsteps quickly approaching her door. 

i quickly slipped into my room and just made it out of his sight before he walked out like everything was fine and saying bye to Hazels mom.

Did he hit her??

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