17. Anger Issues

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POV: Hazel

It had been a few weeks since we started dating when Hunter started getting a little...touchy. which wouldn't be a bad thing if i didn't already have trauma from my last boyfriend. I've tried explaining it to him but it never seems to register that he's doing something wrong. 

Today before first period, he came up behind me while i was at my locker and pinned me. he started kissing me which i don't mind in the comfort of my room or his truck, but i'm not quite comfortable displaying PDA yet. so when he started reaching for my butt, i tried pushing him off. it was a struggle but i finally managed to gt him off me. "what was that for?" he asked, annoyed. "i told you i'm not ready to do this in public. and boundaries remember?" i said gently, trying not to start anything. "yea, yea i remember. you just looked so hot in that outfit." he said with a look i couldn't read. i was wearing something more revealing than normal because he told me he liked it when i did. "thanks." i said before quickly walking off to make it to class.

my days at school weren't the best, but at least i didn't have to see too much of mason with our differing schedules. at least i thought. today i noticed Jackson and Taylen sitting at the table with Kayla, and soon after, Mason approached. he smiled instantly and it didn't leave his face for the rest of lunch. what the heck? i thought they were on my side? oh well, i don't need them. i have hunter now.

the rest of the day i was irritated and wanted to go home and take a nap. i haven't been getting much sleep because i have to get up so early so hunter can pick me up. and because i cant go to sleep thinking about Mason in the room next to me. I miss having as someone i could talk to about anything. i can't talk to hunter about hunter so there's really no one i can go to for any help.

when i get outside i see mason and his new popular friends in their usual gathering spot and just keep walking past. when i get to my side of the truck, i put my bag in and before i can fully turn around, i'm pinned once again. Hunter starts kissing me again, but more aggressively than this morning. i'm about to tell him to stop when i hear a whistle and "Looks like Hazels getting some action". 

ugh now they're all staring. and to make things worse, Hunter takes this comment as a challenge to do more.  he grabs my butt once again, but this time is harder. i try pushing him off and i'm on the verge of tears when i hear "me? jealous? why would i be jealous when i'm dating the hottest girl in school?". 

when Hunter finally pulls away i see Mason and Kayla in a full on make out session. Hunter see's me staring and grumbles as he walks to the other side of the truck and cranks it up. I stay there spacing out, thinking out our kiss in the rain. gosh that felt like so long ago. 

Hunters kiss doesn't feel like Mason's did. Hunters feels lustful and possessive. Mason's felt loving and passionate. i shook that thought out of my head and saw that Mason was looking at me. I stood there looking at him back for a few seconds before Hunter said "Lets go Hazel" a bit too angry from inside the truck. 

I jumped in, not wanting to get left behind and he sped off before i could get the door fully closed. his driving scared me sometimes. especially when he was mad. he would speed and take curves too quick making me feel like the truck was going to flip. 

The ride home was silent, but i felt tears coming. Hunter hated it when i cried so i tried to hold them in the best i could. when we finally got home he parked and we sat in silence. after a few minutes Hunter was the first to break it. "do you not love me or something?" he said, sounding aggravated. 

"what?" i said completely shocked. "we haven't even said 'I love you' yet and thats what you're asking?" i kind of yelled at him. I climbed out of the truck and stormed inside, past my very concerned mother, to my room. 

i threw my stuff onto my bed and started pacing around the room. Hunter got me so wound up today and all i wanted to do was sleep. Hunter stormed into the room looking the maddest i'd ever seen him. He looked like he could kill someone. that scared me. 

he was quiet again, looking like he was trying to control whatever storm was going on in his mind. After another long silence "why do you keep trying to push away when i kiss you?" he said angrily. "i told you i don't like it when you touch me like that, especially when we're at school." i said shakily, still scared of the look he was giving me. 

"i don't understand why you don't. all girls like it when their boyfriends are touchy and stuff." he said with full confidence while still maintaining an agitated tone. " but i told you a million times, i'm not like them! i don't like things like that. i didn't like it with nick either but at least he respected my boundaries" i kept getting louder and more confident as i spoke. "i thought i told you not to bring up past relationships. you are with me now, so you shouldn't be thinking of anyone else or pushing away when i want you" Hunter said, his eyes growing dark. 

"you can't control me Hunter!" i said, noticing that his fists were starting to clench, but i didn't stop. "i'm your girlfriend, not your prostitute that you can just order around and force me to do what you want like all the other girls you've been wi-" and before i could finish, Hunters hand came at my face and slapped me. 

I stood there shocked, holding my stinging cheek. "get out" i said with as much courage as i could muster. "don't you ever talk to me like that again. you better fix your attitude by tomorrow". he left in a rage. i heard his truck speed off before i allowed myself to break down. i crumpled into a ball on the floor and started sobbing. 

I didn't know Mason had walked in until i felt a had on my shoulder. i screamed and pushed his hand away until i realized it was him. and that's when i completely lost it. 

he pulled me into his arms and held me just like he used to. i didn't have to tell him anything because i could tell he knew what happened. 

"i'm so sorry Mason" i managed to get out in between sobs. "i'm so sorry i abandoned you and have been such a jerk and i miss you so much. please don't hate me" i said, not wanting to make eye contact. "oh Hazel," he said quietly "i could never hate you. i'm sorry too". 

I knew what he meant. i was still hurting, but i was so much happier to have him back. We stayed curled up on the floor for who knows how long. but i didn't care. 

I had Mason back and that's all that mattered to me.

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