2: High School Sucks

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*a few years later*

POV: Hazel

After that day in the tree, Mason and I were inseparable. My parents considered him a second child, and his...well we weren't ever at his house much but i'd been there a few times to be introduced to his parents and other things.

As I blended the last bit of concealer under my eyes, I heard a buzz from my phone

Mace <3: you almost ready? i'll be there in 5

me: just finishing up, want anything for breakfast?

Mace <3: nah, I ate at home

I didn't bother responding because this was our daily routine. Ever since he got his licence he's been driving us too and from school and wherever else our adventurous souls take us.

We'd done so many things together in that car. Concerts, heart-to-hearts, few arguments, rants about whatever, my first heartbreak by my loser ex boyfriend, Nick. This car has been through it all.

As I walked down the stairs, I was unexpectedly pulled into a bear hug from my mom, almost toppling over. "Have a great first day of Junior year sweetie!" my mom said excitedly. "Is mason on his way?" she asked quickly. "Yep, just texted him" I said walking into the kitchen to grab a drink and my lunch.

I heard a honk outside signaling the mason's arrival. "Bye mom!" I said before rushing out the door. "Hold on honey, I want to say hello to mason!" she called from behind me.

I opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat, throwing my book-bag in the backseat. "Hold on, Mace, my mom wants to say hi," I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Hey, I feel like I love your mom more than you do," he chuckled, shaking his head.

He rolled down his window letting her speak. She said something about it being his last year of high school and blah blah blah. She kissed his cheek and let him back out of the small driveway.

"So, "he said breaking the comfortable silence, "You excited for your first day-" "before you even finish that sentence i'm going to stop you right there." I said cutting him off.  I'd heard it all from my mom, I didn't need to from him too. "I've decided to make a promise to myself this year." I said waiting for him to ask "a promise for what?" which he did end up asking.

"I'm not going to worry about drama, or boyfriends, or getting the perfect grades, even though I will still keep them up. i'm going to focus on having fun and making the most out of one of my last years of high school" I stated right as we pulled up to the school.

We both got out and before we walked in he said "you know what, I like that idea. I think i'll do that too" he said nodding his head. So as usual we locked pinkies and bumped chests like we have since we met.

We walked in together, side by side until we reached the point where we split up. His locker was further down the hall, whereas mine was down the perpendicular hall. "See ya later" I said , walking backwards a few steps and saluting him, then turned back around before I hit someone in the crowded hallway.

I heard him laugh behind me, which made me smile. I loved how genuine and wholehearted it was. It had gotten deeper since we were kids and made him sound more mature than he acted. But that's Mace, and I wouldn't trade him for anything.

Reaching my locker I spun the lock opening it quickly and shoved everything in it but the books I needed for my first 2 periods. Turning around to head to my class, I bumped into a girl walking by, with her head buried in her phone.

Both of us had dropped our books in the collision but she managed to keep a hold on her phone. "watch where you're going, bitch!'' I heard the annoying high pitched voice say. Without even looking I already knew who it was. The school's notorious mean girl, Kayla Brooks.

Ever since 10th grade she made it her #1 goal in life to make mine a living hell. All because Mason broke up with her after I caught her cheating on him. what else was I supposed to do? leave my best friend in a one sided relationship? Absolutely not.

"Maybe if you weren't so stuck in your phone you'd notice there are other people in the world" I said rolling my eyes. "i'd watch your tone around me, Hayden" she said harshly. I didn't care that she called me the wrong name. I knew she knows my name, she just wants me to correct her, but I don't plan on giving her that satisfaction of knowing I give a shit.

"don't you have somewhere better to be Brooks? I don't know like getting laid by yet another asshole?" I said smirking. "At least I can get laid" she said flipping her brown curls over her shoulder. she wasn't an unattractive girl. In fact, she was beautiful but I didn't feel like boosting her already too large ego.

"Oh my, that one hurt '' I said sarcastically. "at least i'm not known as the school's biggest whore" I spit at her. When I tell you she would have killed me with just the look in her eyes, I'd be dead as roadkill. Her eyes grew to the size of grapefruits and had the most evil look in them.

She was pissed, ha.

"You're going to regret saying that Harley!" she spat the words like they were the most disgusting thing she'd ever tasted. "Oh, I'm sure I will" I said calmly and thanked the stranger who picked up my books, and walked away right as the warning bell rang.

She yelled some derogatory terms in my direction but I paid her no mind. I had just flirted with the devil, and I was proud of myself.

Later that day

In my chemistry class, Mrs. Houston was just finishing up telling us what our homework would be, when the bell rang, signaling 2nd period was over and it was time for lunch.

Heading outside to our normal picnic table I spotted the two lovebirds I call my friends, Taylen and Jackson. They had been dating since freshman year but I'd known them since Avery introduced them to me.

At first me and Taylen had a rocky start but now she's like the sister I never had. As I sat down, the two looked at me like I had three heads.

"Can I help you?'' I said, confused. They shared a worried glance and looked back at me "Oh Hazel, you haven't heard yet have you?" she replied, nervously. "No?'' I said even more confused. "Well..." she started but faded off trying to delay whatever bad news she was about to deliver.

"Kayla started a rumor saying you have STDs" Jackson said quickly, cringing away after he finished. "Way to break it to her slowly, babe" Taylen snapped, smacking the side of his arm.

Well, so much for no drama. High school sucks.

Edited Feb. 6th 2023

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