5: Pain and Suffering

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POV: Mason 

I woke up to whispers and footsteps. I was still on the floor with Hazel curled up still sleeping in my lap. She looked so peaceful. I looked up to see Jackson and Taylen in the doorway. 

"Hey man, sorry to wake you, we were just wondering where y'all went after the fight" Jackson said trying to whisper but failing. I carefully raised my finger to my lip to shush him. I checked to see if she was still asleep and started "she blames herself for the whole thing. I feel terrible". 

Just then I heard a camera clicking sound and looked up to see Jackson pointing his phone in our direction taking our picture. I glared at him for making so much noise and he gave me a half-assed 'sorry' look in return. 

Hazel stirred in my lap and sat up looking at Jackson holding his phone. "guys I told you not to wake her up" I said grumbling. "it's okay" she said moving to stretch out. "how long was I asleep?"

They explained that she'd been asleep about an hour and why they were here. She sounded a bit annoyed when she asked, but I know that's not how she intended it. At some point she got up to stretch some more. It was nice having her so close to me, where I could feel her body heat and her movement when she breaths. It felt cold when she got up.

"So what happened here?" Jackson said, winking at me. I could kill him I swear. "She was telling me about school and we fell asleep" I explained again, leaving out some parts that I didn't think Hazel wanted to  share. I knew I was right when she looked at me with a 'thank you' and I nodded. 

Jackson asked to watch a movie, his all time favorite, Forrest Gump, and with no objections we started it. Hazel and I sat on opposite sides of the couch while the other 2 cuddled on the love-seat. Sometimes I wished I could have someone to cuddle with...and that someone was Hazel. But she could never know how I felt so I tried being as normal as possible.

Later Jackson and Taylen had to leave and Hazel asked to get something to eat. "Haze, you've been here plenty of times, you know you don't have to ask" I said with a small laugh. "okay" she said laughing too. Something about that interaction seemed off but I shook that thought away.


Hazel had just entered the kitchen when I heard the door handle jiggling. 

It wasn't around the time dad normally gets home so I thought it might be Jackson forgetting something. He tends to do that a lot. 

But the sound of the footsteps coming in the door weren't his. They were louder and more uneven. I look over and see my dad, in a drunken state looking at me like I was the worst human in history. "I'm home boy, don't just sit there, do something!" he said pretty loudly. 

I jumped up quickly trying to put some space between us, putting my hand out just in case he decided to lunge for me. After all, this wasn't the first time he'd done this. Except he always did it when we were alone. This time, Hazel was here to witness it all. Hopefully she'd call the police if anything happened. 

"Dad, you're home early," I said, taking another step back. I didn't want to be anywhere near him when he exploded. "Yea, little shit," he spat, using his favorite nickname for me, "I got fired!" he said screaming. 

"I-I'm sorry dad" I said my voice shaking, taking a step back. I was waiting for the moment he was going to hit me. I was mentally prepared for it. I just didn't want Hazel to have to see me suffer. 

"No you're not! it's all your fault! that's why your mother left us!!" he said, still screaming. 

Mom wouldn't leave. She loved me. Why would she leave? "W-what do you mean she left?" I said stuttering. I straightened up, getting defensive about my mother. I swear if he it her...i'd kill him! 

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