9: Confused Feelings

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POV: Hazel

To say I was confused, was an understatement.

In the past 15 hours, Me and Mason had almost kissed twice, and slept in the same bed. We had slept in the same bed before, but this time I woke up, with me wrapped in his arms. Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not complaining, but it's very confusing. Just last week, I slept in his lap on the bathroom floor.

We were being very....intimate, I guess is the word I'm thinking of. The thing is, we'd never been like this before now, again not complaining because it was kind of nice, but then again, he was my best friend, and it was a little strange for it to come straight out of the blue. 

I mean I can understand the fact that I nearly died at the hands of his father and he's just protecting me....but could it be something more than that?

I don't know if I'll ever know the answer to that.

After we ate breakfast, we both hopped in his car and went riding around. We had no destination, no plan, nothing, just the two of us on the open road.

As we rounded a corner, I saw a park that I hadn't been to before. It had a playground with a large slide, monkey bars, swings, all the works. 

But off to the side, there was this beautiful open field, full of flowers and leafy plants. Mason must have noticed me admiring the park, because we pulled into the parking lot beside the playground. "Do you still have that blanket in the back of your car?'' I asked, smiling happily. 

"Uh, yea, I should." he said, "Why?" he questioned. 

He was acting kind of weird since this morning. Maybe it was the almost kiss or waking up with me in his arms. Who knows. "You'll see '' I said, still smiling, but offering a playful wink. 

He slightly smiled, making his green eyes light up. I always loved seeing that. 

I hopped out of the car, headed to the back, and popped the trunk. 

Sure enough, the blanket we'd put in there a long time ago was still there. We'd used to go stargazing, for picnics, when we got cold, and so many other things. I grabbed it, shaking it out, just in case it was dirty, then started skipping my way to the field. 

I found a flat spot in the middle, then spread out the blanket. I flopped onto my back, laying down and looking at the sky. 

It was such a beautiful day today. I could hear the birds chirping, and the bees buzzing. I could hear the light breeze flowing through the leaves of the trees. The clouds were so fluffy and white. The smell of the flowers made all your stress melt away. It was picture perfect. 

I saw Mason come and stand above me. His face was upside down, since his feet were beside my head, but that just made his puzzled look even more funny. I reached my hand up, grabbed him, and pulled him down beside me. 

He laid there, our shoulders touching, staring at the sky just like I was. "Wow" Is all I could say. I'd always has this great appreciation for nature and everything in between the sun and moon. "So beautiful" is the only words that came to mind. "You have no idea" Mason said under his breath but with our close proximity, I heard it clearly 

I looked over to see him staring at me. I blushed, knowing what he meant. We looked at each other, like we had done many times before, but this time it was deeper, almost as if there was a spark, a connection, between us. 

We laid there like that for what felt like hours. My heart was pounding out of my chest, I was afraid he might hear it beating so loud. His hand brushed over mine, making me shiver. "What was that for? '' he asked. "It tickled,'' I quickly lied. "Oh, you're ticklish aren't you?" he said, smirking. "Don't you even th-" and before I could even finish my sentence, he sat up and started tickling me everywhere he knew I hated. 

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