Recognize, Respond, Recover, Rift

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(Content warning // scars)


"I can't believe you're keeping me from yet another mission" you complain in a joking manner as you wait in the med bay. A familiar figure enters the room, rolling his eyes at your theatrics, "you know, you would probably be healed by now if you didn't push yourself too hard" he insists. You see a certain tenderness in Tech's eyes as he says that he really cares about your recovery. He's really been going above and beyond to help you after what happened on Kamino. "I know I know, it's just that I miss being out there, joining you guys on missions and all" you reply as he walks over, medical supplies in hand. "may I" he asks, holding out his hand. With a brief exhale you hold out your arm "very well then" you shrug.

Gently he takes hold of your injured arm and unwraps the bandage revealing a jagged series of scars tracing the line of your forearm like islands along a coast. "looks to be healing up nicely" he comments, running his fingers along the scar's edge. While holding your arm with one hand, he effortlessly unscrews the lid to the small tub of bacta gel and scoops up a pea sized amount. With a fluid motion he carefully spreads the gel along the wound, the cooling touch relaxing the tension in your arm you didn't even know was there. His eyes meet yours, the autumn hue reminding you of that first mission with them all on Raxus. "any pain, dizziness or blurry vision?" he inquires, maintaining eye contact.

Your face heats up as you realize how close he is right now, "no . . . no, I'm uh fine" you manage to stutter out. He tilts his slightly to the side as his gaze narrows on you "are you sure? You know you can tell me anything, right?" he says, his eyes searching yours. You've been finding it increasingly difficult to lie to him, especially since you've grown closer since your injury. The headaches and blurry vision had subsided by now but those would flare up when it came to you using the force and obviously you couldn't tell him that. You know deep down that he'll inevitably find out about your past as a Jedi, but for now at least, you've kept the number of people that know to a minimum.

But that wasn't all, there's something else. Something you can't quite put your finger on. That feeling you get when he looks at you, the warmth you feel when he stays up late and chats with you and electricity that runs through your veins with a simple touch. Deep within your mind you've noticed this shift in yourself, its unfamiliarity scares you. When your thoughts start to drift to unravel the meaning of it all, why this change, why him, you distract yourself. Fearing the answer that deep down you know to be true. Somehow you manage to ravel your mind back into order and pull off your best "I'm totally fine and I'm definitely not falling for you in anyway whatsoever" expression and respond with a quick smile "I'm sure Tech".

You hop down from the medical table "I'm gonna get some fresh air before the rest get back" you mention over your shoulder as you walk towards the door. "while your at it, can you check on Omega's studies" he replies, "sure thing Ace". A cool breeze kicks up as you poke your head out the door, there you see Omega, laying in the sun as a few face framing ringlets of hair sway in the wind. You grab the datapad near your feet, "how's the study sesh going Omega?". She sits up, swinging her legs over the side of the platform "do I have to do this right now? we're on a mission" she complains. Before you can respond, Tech's voice carries through the ship "that does not give you a pass on your studies". She rolls her eyes with a groan, turning away towards the cerulean sea.

With a deep breath you crouch down next to her, "how about this, I'll see what I can do to get you included on the next mission if, you spend a bit of time studying up on imperial ships". Slowly she turns towards you, "you'd really do that for me" she replies hesitantly, "of course, what are friends for". Just as you hand her the datapad you hear the comms beep followed by Hunter's voice, "Tech, we've got the cargo, but we could use some firepower". At that you turn and re-enter the ship to grab your gear, "Wrecker woke the pod, didn't he?" you and Tech respond simultaneously. "Yeah, and they're not happy, we need a pickup" Hunter responds, "copy that. We're on our way". You continue getting your stuff as the ship rumbles to life, "where is it" you mutter "I'm sure I left it somewhere around here". As your eyes dart around the bunk room, you catch a glimpse of it in Tech's chaotic looking travel workstation, your helmet.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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