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You were born and raised on Talasea, your parents were farmers and taught you all their skills including how to shoot to keep yourself safe and protect livestock. At the age of 7 you were discovered to be force sensitive and taken to Coruscant to be trained as a Jedi by master Plo Koon who's teachings influenced you to stay calm under pressure and lead with kindness especially towards the clones. Due to the toll of the war on the Jedi and your dedication, you became a Jedi knight earlier than expected at the age of 22. You assisted throughout most of the Clone Wars serving with master Plo Koon along with several other Jedi knights and clone legions.

After the events on Umbara and the false arrest and imprisonment of Ahsoka Tano you lost faith in the Jedi and returned to Talasea. A few months after reconnecting with your family, you and your parents were attacked leaving them dead and you injured and alone. Unable to look after the farm by yourself you sold everything to buy an early Deep-X Explorer prototype and an R3-series astromech and became a bounty hunter.

Your force abilities and Jedi training made you a highly capable bounty hunter able to follow and kill your target without them even knowing you were there. You were known for your stealthy abilities and accuracy since you never missed a shot. With this reputation you became known as the embodiment of death in the minds of many who referred to you as either Lord Mors due to your quick, merciful kills and your ship the Wandering Ghost from your affinity to always be on the move throughout the galaxy.

After a little under a year or so of working as a bounty hunter everything seemed to be going well despite the fall of the Jedi order and the danger that it brought. You had changed your appearance to avoid identification by the empire. Your once long hair that was always in a braid was now a short bob and you wore dark green clothes and a cloak to blend in.  Despite the relative calm, your mind would every now and again be drawn to the one thing that could betray your true identity if found.

Your hidden lightsabers

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