The Reunion

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After a few small missions here and there Cid let you have a few days off. This was a rare piece of goodwill not often extended by your Trandosian employer and you quickly snapped it up and dashed out of her office and up the stairs almost running someone over but you managed to dodge out of the way just in time and dash around them to get to your ship as fast as possible.

Arriving at your ship you notice another ship nearby that you hadn't seen before. Pausing for a moment you study this ship noting that it seemed to be an Omicron-class shuttle that had been modified and by the looks of it has been in many a battles and what not. Continuing to the The Wandering Ghost you see Pebble who scuttles towards the already open door waiting for you to board and gives a little beep bloop greeting.

"guess what, we've got a couple days off" you exclaimed "so, where should we go". The little droid thinks for a second and then beeps a couple times and then whines a little "you're right, I said I would go there if I got a chance and I guess this is my opportunity" you reply quietly while walking over to the front of the ship to prepare for take off "Cato Neimoidia it is then"

Tech's POV

Echo, Omega and I were just exiting the ship after we agreed that Omega should be taught how to properly use the weapon she found when we were in Old Ord Mantell City. Wrecker and Hunter had gotten a head start to Cid's Parlour while Omega grabbed the energy bow. As we began walking I noticed an unfamiliar ship and immediately start researching what type of ship it is.

Catching up with the rest at Cid's I continue typing and scrolling in a lively manner trying to find anything. I was so focused on the task I only caught the last part of what Wrecker was saying "Yeah, I almost ran over this guy, even Hunter didn't see 'em coming". I glance up from my data pad thinking for a moment of all these small coincidences before continuing my research.


The flight over was fairly uneventful as you sit there worrying. You know there is no reason to be nervous, there is no immediate danger and it's a beautiful planet with towering rocky cliff, steep canyons and spots of lush greenery covered by thick fog. Despite all the reassurance you still felt a pit in your stomach knowing that this was where your old master was during order 66 and this was where he drew his final breath before being shot down by the men he fought alongside for years.

You land in a grassy field at the foot of a cliff and disembark your ship wandering aimlessly, hoping you would feel the force guide you but nothing happens. Pausing for a moment the devastation you felt that day hits you and you feel the same helplessness and hopelessness from that terrible day, the end of all you once knew. Collapsing to your knees you feel the wind whistle past and you start softly singing with it.

(In The Wind - Lord Huron)

"You've been gone for a long long time
You've been in the wind, you've been on my mind
You were the purest soul I've ever known in my life"

A faint reply echoes from beyond

"Take your time, let the rivers guide you in
You know where you can find me again
I'll be waiting here 'till the stars fall out of the sky"

You look up into the unknown and continue

"When you left I was far too young
To know you're worth more than the moon and the sun
You are still alive when I look to the sky in the night"

The reply you hear becomes a little clearer and a sense of familiarity and comfort surrounds you

"I would wait for a thousand years
I would sit right here by the sea, my dear
You just let me know that you're coming home
And I'll wait for you"

You stand and begin walking, following the haunting voice in the wind while continuing the song

"A year has gone but the pain is the same
I have passed my days by the sound of your name
Well they say that you're gone and that I should move on
I wonder how do they know, ooh-ho"

"Death is a wall but it can't be the end
You were my protector and my best friend
Well they say that you're gone and that I should move on
I wonder how do they know, ooh-ho
How do they know? Well, they don't"

You feel as though your old master is there with you comforting you as the wind whistles and chants as you reach the peak of the cliff. Whispering in mist you say "I'm not sure what I'm doing with my life anymore"

"I once helped those in need and felt my life had purpose but now I'll do just about anything just to scrape by and all just to stay hidden and safe from the empire and its growing reach"

"I need direction"

"I need help"                                                                           

"I need your guidance master, please"

The voice surrounds you once again

"Trust your feelings, your judgement and the will of the force, they guide you to where you should be"

"Fear not about the future for I will always be here if you need me"

You look around and swear you can almost see him standing on the edge of the cliff gazing back at you.

"I am so proud of the person you have become and I know you will continue to learn and grow, good luck and may the force be with you"

The voice and image before you fades off into the distance as the tears welling up in your eyes begin streaming down your face leaving a gleaming path along your cheeks.

"I won't let you down master"

Memento Mori (Reader x Tech)Where stories live. Discover now