To the Cliffs of Ryloth

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The Marauder touches down in a cave on the rusty orange cliffs of Ryloth. As we disembark from the ship a small droid appears, beeping and booping at us. Close behind was the young girl from the weapons drop and transmission, Hera. "thank you for coming, I wasn't sure you would" she says slightly relieved. Omega approaches Hera and assures her "you said you were in trouble", Hunter steps forward and interjects saying "care to tell us why the Empire is after you?"

Hera goes on to explain that she's the daughter of Cham Syndulla, that the Empire is targeting him, and his supporters and he and others are being held at the capitol. The Bad Batch seem hesitant, but Hunter agrees to at least scope out the capitol and see if the mission is at all possible. She leads us all to a look out spot overlooking the capitol, it appears an Imperial officer was giving a speech to the people crowded below. We all lay on the moss covered stone behind some low cover while the droids scanned the area and transmitted the speech so we could hear it.

"But . . . the perpetrators of this heinous assassination attempt have been captured"

"Rest assured, Cham Syndulla and his insurgents will answer for their betrayal"

Hunter looks over to Hera "Assassination attempt?" he says in a questioning tone. "that's not what happened" she disagrees in a hushed tone. We continue observing the scene below, I watch as several soldiers in dark armour patrol around the crowd. One stands out in particular, pacing around the front with a helmet and weapon indicating they're a sniper. You lower your binoculars "what's up with tall, dark, and snipey" you whisper, Omega focuses in "it's . . . Crosshair".

"who's that?" you ask, the clones and Omega all share a look, you could tell that you had unknowingly pried into something personal. Tech speaks up first "Crosshair's a defective clone like the rest of us, we . . uh separated due to differing . . . ideologies after order 66". You silently nod and go back to scanning the area. The clones quietly get up and wander off somewhere behind you, likely to discuss how they plan on tackling the mission. Suddenly you feel as if something is watching you, your stomach lurches as you stand to make your way over to the clones.

Keeping your gaze low, you walk over to them as Hunter pauses what he was saying. You mutter in a low tone "something's watching us", he seems to feel it as well, "wait here" he whispers. All is quiet as Hunter sneaks off to investigate until suddenly you hear the zap of electricity and the crunch of metal behind you. Hunter lands softly on the ground next to what looks like a probe droid, retrieving his blade.

"oh, good, A probe droid" Tech says sarcastically as everyone gathers around. This looks pretty bad, we only just got here and the Empire's already on our tail, "we better head back to the hide out" you add. Hunter nods in agreement and we all quickly make our way back, looking out for soldiers and any other probe droids.

On the way back from the cave you can tell that Hunter definitely doesn't want to get involved, it's too risky. Even you have to admit the odds of success don't look good, you even start thinking about revealing your force abilities. No, even if you completely trusted the clones, the risk of the Empire discovering your existence is too great, especially since as far as they know the Jedi by the name of y/n died on Talasea.

When we get back, you sneak off to a quiet corner of the cave to sit and think. You couldn't bear to be there when they tell Hera there isn't anything we can do to help. Finding a nice spot next to a large boulder, you sit down, taking in your surroundings. A few crates and other miscellaneous items scattered around the dark cave. You see the glint of wood and metal behind one of the crates.

Memento Mori (Reader x Tech)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt