Dusk on Talasea

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Your eyes flutter open as you hear the gentle beep boop of Pebble who was guiding the ship while you rested. Slowly turning your head you mumble sleepily "what would I do without you" and the little droid responds with a gentle chitter nestling in closer to you.

Reaching out you give Pebble a little pat before getting up to check on something in the back of the ship. Arriving at your makeshift room in the back you grab your favourite dark green jacket and small crossbody bag with the essentials. "flashlight . . . check, sketchbook . . . check, rations and water . . . check aaand check" you mutter aloud making sure you had everything.

While sorting through your things you are drawn toward a small wooden box tucked away under the bed. You feel the box almost calling you as you open it revealing a once familiar sight, your old lightsabers. Picking them up, the weight and feel of them stirs up old emotions from a life you barely recognize anymore, a very different person who you once were.

As you ignite the lightsabers and they hum back to life, radiating a green light like undergrowth of an ancient forest brought to life by the sun gleaming through the trees. Closing your eyes you allow the force to flow through your body and you instinctively begin to spin the blades slowly, listening to the gentle whirr. You found yourself longing ever so slightly for those days when you swiftly push aside those feelings "Those times are over" you whisper, deactivating the lightsabers and stowing them on your belt.

Returning to the front of the ship just in time to see Pebble bring the ship from hyperspace you sit back in the pilot's chair "I can take it from here" and you take the controls. You carefully steer the ship down to the surface of blue and green planet below and find a secluded area to land hidden partially by the thick plant growth.

As you prepare to exit the ship putting on your coat and grab your bag and sniper rifle you turn to Pebble with your lightsabers in hand. "look after these for me, I trust you to keep them safe" hand outstretched towards the little droid. After a moment of what you could only imagine was shock Pebble takes the lightsabers from your hand carefully and stows them away letting out a cheerful little beep. As you step off the ship and the grass rustles beneath your feet you call out behind you "I'll comm when I'm on my way back, okay" and Pebble chitters a little response as the door closes behind you.

The day turns to evening as a cool wind whistles a tune as it blows your hair across your face as you hike further into the woods. The breeze combines with the branches rustling, a nearby brook babbling and the bird's serene evening song to create a familiar melody. 

You hum the tune as your foot falls to the beat of nature's melody until this feeling of growing joy from your very being takes over and your meandering becomes a slow jog and before you know it dancing. There was something about this place like no other in the galaxy, it brought you such joy and sadness at the same time and as these feelings bubble up and the breeze's song continues your hum becomes singing.

(Lonesome Dreams - Lord Huron)

"I land on an island coast
Where the only souls I see are ghosts
I run through wooded isle
And chase the sunlight mile after mile"

You run through the undergrowth, running your hands through the soft leaves and tall ferns following an old path covered in moss

"And I feel like I know this place
As a tree line breaks in a wide open space
I stare at a bright red sun
And search all day, never find anyone"

Memento Mori (Reader x Tech)Where stories live. Discover now