Diversions and Destruction

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Darkness has fallen across the land, Hera led you and Omega to a rocky lookout spot overlooking the refinery. Chopper chatters over the comm to let us know their position, Hera responds "we are in position" as you three observe the scene. You watch as a ship arrives, and people and droids disembark and head towards a checkpoint. Tension is high as you all watch Chopper and Pebble quickly hop a small barrier to join the line of other astromechs on the other side of the checkpoint. "everything's going according to plan so far, let's hope it stays that way" you mutter to yourself subconsciously.

After a moment waiting for Chopper to report back you hear him chatter over Hera's comm. "what do you mean it won't work?" she exclaims in a hushed tone "you said you could disable the cannons". Before Pebble is able to help him you hear their frantic chirps being interrupted by what sounds like clones. Your mind begins to race "kriff, now what are we gonna do" you silently hiss, Hera turns to face you "we have to help Chopper and Pebble". You try to come up with a plan B when you notice Omega continuing to observe through her binoculars. She then responds in a calm tone "we will, but first, we need to take the console off-line". "how exactly do you plan on doing that Omega" you mutter in response, she points to the line of shuttles "with one of those".

In a flash the three of you snuck down to edge of the refinery, several ships loomed overhead. You could hear Hera murmur her concerns to Omega, she seems to work quite well under pressure. "can the two of you handle one of these" you whisper, gesturing towards the nearest shuttle. They both nod, you pat Omega on the shoulder "be careful, okay, I'll grab another shuttle". She agrees "I'll comm you when we're ready to take off". You split up, climbing into the unguarded shuttles, just as you were strapping yourself in your comm goes off. Tech's voice radiates out "Omega, have the droids deactivated the perimeter cannons?" he inquires. Before you know it, Omega responds trying to hide her hesitation "no, but Hera, y/n, and I are working on it, just don't shoot down our shuttles".

As you start up the ship's engine you hear Tech respond with a confused "wait, what shuttles". "don't worry ace, we've got this under control" you assure over your comm. The ship rumbles to life as you take the controls and maneuver out of the way of Hera and Omega's shuttle. After a moment they get their bearings and we're easily able to blast the console, take out the cannons, and pick up Chopper. and Pebble Just as we steer the ship into the darkness Tech's voice chimes in through the comm "I am registering multiple explosions near the refinery", "yep, that was us, cannons are down" you respond smoothly. Omega continues "do some damage, Wrecker", a deep chuckle rumbles through the comm "that I can do".

You pilot your stolen shuttle alongside the one the kids are co-piloting, keeping an eye on them as you continue to cause chaos at the refinery. The movement of the Marauder catches your eye as Tech pulls of an impressive turn while Wrecker shoots from the back. You find yourself quite amazed by Tech's flying abilities "who'd of thought the nerd would be such great pilot" you mutter to Pebble. The droid beeps at you suggestively, you glance over "I don't know what you're talking about" you quip sarcastically. Your attention is then brought back to the matter at hand as you attempt to guide Omega and Hera's chaotic flight in the smoke-filled sky. Hera then chimes in "we're getting the hang of this", she's technically right however, that wasn't exactly saying much considering how things started. Just then Tech responds in his usual blunt manner "yes, your dangerous and uncontrolled maneuvering is as confusing to them as it is to us". His comment makes chuckle to yourself, Pebble in response gives you a knowing look.

Eventually Hunter updates us on the rescue and that we'll all meet up at the rendezvous. The timing of our exit was perfect as a whole fleet of imperial ships were fast approaching. Some evasive maneuvering and well-placed shots from Wrecker and Pebble help us get back to the cave without too much trouble. When you all make it back to the cave, you and Tech make sure any tracking devices on the ships are offline to prevent the Empire from finding the hide-out. Soon afterwards Hunter and Echo arrive with Hera's parents and the other freedom fighters.

Their reunion makes your heart twinge in an odd way, on one hand you feel comforted knowing you helped bring them back together. Yet you still feel a strange pain, why do I feel this way?, everything worked out in the end so . . . why am I not . . happy. Suddenly your thoughts all click into place as your mind delves into a place not usually traversed, the pain in your chest grows.

your family

that night

the bandits

the screams

Just then someone places their hand on your shoulder, the touch snaps you out of your thoughts. You turn your head and see Echo; His eyebrows are slightly furrowed, and the corners of his mouth sloped downwards. "you okay there, you seem a bit out of it" he inquires, his voice notably carrying a gentle tone. "yeah, just . . . tired I guess" you say, your voice faltering slightly before looking away. He responds after a short pause "okay, just remember I'm always here if you ever need to talk, got it?", you see his expression remains unchanged. "got it" you softly acknowledge, managing to pull together a small smile, you appreciate his concern.

Hera then approaches holding the guitar you fixed up "here, I asked my parents and since you guys won't accept payment, I felt I should give this to you as thanks". You crouch down to her as she hands you the guitar, you gaze upon the decorative scratches carved into the warm coloured wood. "thank you" you respond, your eyes wide and smile beaming. She then turns to Omega to say goodbye to her, the two worked well as a team. I hope Hera's rebelliousness persists, seeing the two kids gives you a glimmer of hope for the future. You watch as they fly off, forever leaving their home for it is no longer safe for them.

Before your mind can wander again Hunter speaks up "we better get going, the Empire will be scouring this place looking for us". You stand, carefully holding the guitar as you board the Marauder. As the ship whirrs and lifts off the ground you find your spot on the ground to sit and study the guitar's markings. You feel someone's eyes on you "need anything Tech" you smirk without even looking up. Stunned by your comment you feel him look away and then back before responding "where did you learn to play like that?" he asks. Running your hand over the cool strings you cooly respond "it's amazing what skills you can pick up traveling across the galaxy".

Memento Mori (Reader x Tech)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن