Unknown Look Out

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The Wandering Ghost glides high above the plains below, you decided to take an alternative route as to not be seen by the rogue clones. Arriving at the outskirts of Old Ord Mantell City you land behind a rocky outcrop and exit with your sniper rifle, binoculars , and a small pack. "Pebble stay here and watch the ship and be prepared to take off at a moments notice" the droid made a sad little beep noise "I'll be right back I promise".

You hike a little ways up the rocky mountain surrounding the old ruins and find a spot to set up overlooking the Zygerrian operation, you take a second to mentally prepare and connect with the force and feel the familiar calm wash over you like a warm beam of sunlight on a cool day. "Time to go to work" you say to yourself picking up your binoculars to find the clones.

Quickly you spotted the four clones scuttling towards the Zygerrians and their prisoners. "lets see what they've got" you mutter to yourself as you continue to observe. You then watched them as they were quickly captured, chained and brought to what looked to be an old fountain with the other prisoners.

This was not going well, you wondered how in the force they possibly made it through basic training considering how easily they were captured. Suddenly you realized that the young girl that you saw with the clones was not with them and you started to scan the area to see if she was near. Sure enough she was sneaking over towards the prisoners "there's no way she could possibly take out all those guards and free her companions all by herself" you mumble to yourself.

You take out your sniper rifle and look through the scope realizing that the way things are going you'll almost definitely need to step in and help them out. The seconds felt like an eternity as the girl crept closer and closer to her friends, you could feel the nervousness radiating from the scene below.

she makes her way over to a cage and you could sense something alive within it, suddenly you noticed that the Zygerrians had caught her and were dragging her towards the fountain with the others just at that moment they quickly realize she unlocked the cage and move to secure it but it was too late and a young rancor burst out and began rampaging

Chaos ensued with Zygerrians being thrown left and right and blaster bolts flying from all direction as the slavers try to recapture the rancor. The rogue clones took this distraction and ran with it quickly freeing themselves and the others and gearing up. One of the clones and the girl go off with the other freed prisoners while the other three clones follow Muchi and pursuing Zygerrians.

Through the scope you look to find the rancor holding their own quite well, throwing the former captors at one another and generally causing chaos. The clones join the fight when one of the slavers on the back of a brezak appears from around the corner. Just as the Zygerrian was about to strike one of the clones tackles him and draws his blade when the slaver attacks with his electro-whip causing the clone to let go of his knife. The clone struggles against the electro pulse and began to crumple to the ground when you quickly shoot the slaver, the bolt catching the Zygerrian's arm causing him to drop his weapon allowing for the clone to strike and take him out.

You turn your attention to the other two clones and see as the larger one begin to wrestle Muchi. The fight ensues for quite a while with punches boulders being thrown as the two slowly exhaust one another until finally they collapse on top of one another. With Muchi rescued and the clones somehow in one piece you pack up your gear and relax.

As you wait for them to all leave you grab your sketch book and start drawing the ruins of the old city below as well as the rancor and brezak. The scene comes together as you add the rocky details to the ruins and spots and streaks to the brezak. You notice how much time has passed as you feel the temperature begins to drop and you decide to head back to the ship.

When you arrive Pebble gives a cheerful chirp "I know I know, I took longer than I should have but you know me, I'm not one to be cooped up inside". As you head back to the other side of Ord Mantell you think back to your decision to help that clone. Was that the right move? Surely he'll realize that an outsider had helped them, but yet you couldn't imagine not taking the shot. "It was the right thing to do" you repeat to yourself hoping that you would eventually convince yourself of it and it worked.

. . . Mostly.

Tech's POV

I pilot the Marauder as usual as we head back to Ord Mantell City, Hunter sits in the in the seat next to me and stares into the distance like he usually does while thinking, Echo sits just behind us resting while Wrecker, Omega look after Muchi.

Hunter then turns to me "oh, by the way thanks for that shot, I know I said I could handle him but I appreciate the assist on that one". My brows furrow as I think about what he says "I'm not sure what you are referring to, I was with Wrecker following Muchi" Hunter narrows his eyes and tilts his head slightly and then turns to Echo "was it you Echo" he said "nope, I was helping the others escape, remember" he responded.

We all shared a confused look "well if it wasn't you guys it also couldn't have been Wrecker or Omega, then who helped me and why" I turn to face him "I'm not sure but I can keep an extra eye out in case we are being followed" I reply "good thought Tech, let me know if you find anything" he says refocusing his attention toward the back of the ship.

The rest of the flight back thoughts spin around my head, is someone else following us? If so why did they help us? I suppose I can test my hypothesis on our next mission assuming we're given another mission.

Memento Mori (Reader x Tech)Where stories live. Discover now