Unraveling Secrets

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Several jobs had come and gone since your trip to Cato Neimoidia and for the past week or so you had been trying to reach out to the force in search of guidance. So far all you could sense was that a change was coming but you have no idea when it will happen or what it will be. On top of that you felt something calling you to come back to your home world, Talasea.

You shake your head "I can focus on that later but right now I'm in the middle of something for Cid" you mumble to yourself. That something was that Cid had sent you to negotiate a deal with the Scrappers Guild, this wasn't really your thing, but you needed the credits and you had a bit of experience from your time as a Jedi.

You manage to find a somewhat hidden place to land your ship and you and Pebble exit and begin to trek across the rocky, scrap covered planet.

Tech's POV

Streaks of light whiz by as I do the finishing touches on my scanner. "I-I don't like this plan" groaned Wrecker "we agreed to meet Rex on Bracca, that's what we're doing" hunter replied. "He wants to cut open my head" argued Wrecker pointing at his head, I cut in saying "all our heads actually". Omega responds quickly "not mine, I don't have an inhibitor chip" Wreaker turns to her "why not? Now, that's not fair!". I stand up and walk to the back of the ship while Omega, Hunter continue convincing Wrecker.

As I finish the scanner and zone back into my surroundings I hear Echo humming something to himself. "What song is that, I do not recognize it" I ask looking over in his direction "I can't quite remember, but I'm not sure why it popped into my head right now" he replies "hmmm, perhaps it is memory from before your accident on Lola Sayu that has managed to return" I state "do you remember any of the words, perhaps I could research where it is from" I continue in a curious tone "unfortunately no but I'll let you know if I remember anymore of it" Echo replies as he wanders up to the front of the ship.

I follow him and we take our seats just in time to bring the ship out of hyperspace. I guide the Marauder down to the surface following the signal from Rex's beacon and land the ship in a secluded area. Rex greets us and we begin wandering over to an old broken Venator-Class ship.

On the way over Hunter pauses looking arounds him and then his head stops indicating he found something "what is it" Omega asks noticing this as well "we're not alone" Hunter replies pointing towards a ship mostly hidden behind scrap.

As we approach cautiously I realize I have seen this ship before on Ord Mantell "I have seen this ship before and researched it, it appears to be a highly modified DPx yacht" I walk closer to look for any identifying marks and see a small image of a ghostly figure facing away with their head turned to look back on a windy sky backdrop.

I pull out my data pad and start researching, typing as fast as my finger will allow. The answer pops up on my screen and my eyes widen "what is it Tech" asks Hunter with some concern in his voice "well, the good news is I have found out who this ships belongs to, the bad news it appears to be a bounty hunter by the name Lord Mors" I reply as my brows furrow "exactly how concerned should we be" asks Echo "hard to say, his being here may be entirely coincidental but, just to be safe I can attach a tracking device to the ship and see if it continues to follows us" I say taking out a small device "good plan, you do that and then catch up with us when your done" Hunter responded continuing onward with the rest of the group.

I attach the device and begin to catch up while scrolling through my data pad to read up further on this Lord Mors.


name - unknown

alias - Lord Mors

ship name - The Wandering Ghost

preferred weapon - sniper rifle

known for - stealth, extremely accurate shot, cunning

success rate - 100%


You were finalizing your deal with the Scrappers Guild when their communicators started going off and you could vaguely hear their conversation, it was something along the lines of "intruders have been spotted on the Jedi cruiser" and "I'll notify the empire".

As you leave with Pebble with little droid chitters anxiously wanting to leave as soon as possible "okay, okay, I know you don't like this place but I want to quickly check out what's going on first" you explain. Pebble whines in response, and you think for a moment "okay, how about this, you go get the ship ready to take off while I go investigate and then we can leave, how does that sound" the droid agrees with a little chirp and hurries to the ship.

You scurry over to a good lookout spot and take out your sniper rifle and start looking around the powered up cruiser for any movement. After a few moments you see some people who upon closer inspection you realize are the rogue clones from Cid's "what in the force are they doing out here" you mumble. Then suddenly you sense several imperial ships preparing to descend upon the scene, you duck down to stay out of sight but you don't leave. You can't tear your eyes away from the scene as you watch the troopers surround the Jedi cruiser as well as search the surrounding area.

Finally able to pull yourself away, you hustle back to the ship trying to be as quiet as possible not wanting to get questioned by the empire as they might discover your true identity. The journey took longer than you had hoped but the very real threat of the empire made you travel more cautiously "come one y/n, you're almost there" you whisper aloud. Just as you approach the area near your ship you see two others in the open, you recognize both instantly. One is the shuttle belonging the clones, the other belonging to a fellow bounty hunter you had crossed paths with on multiple occasions, Cad Bane.

You arrive just in time to see the scene below of Cad Bane pulling the young girl into his ship and taking off from the surrounding area littered with troopers, but one in particular stood out. It was one of the rogue clones, the one with the bandana you thought as you snuck down to the ground and hurried over to him to check for a pulse "It's there but a bit on the weak side" you mutter when you sense people approaching you stand up and break into a sprint to your ship "Pebble start the ship, I'm almost there!" you shout into your comm device.

You hop on the ship as if began to lift off and you quickly take control so you can follow after Cad Bane. Wait why am I getting so invested in these people I don't even know you thought to yourself when suddenly the answer popped in your mind, maybe this is the change master Plo was talking about, this is my chance to do something good for once. "hold on Pebble our mission's not over quite yet" you exclaim as you engage the ship's hyperdrive.

Memento Mori (Reader x Tech)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin