Bounties on Bora Vio

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Tech's POV

While I piloted the shuttle watching the blue and white streaks of light, Echo, Hunter, and Wrecker were in the back trying to figure out the bounty hunter's identity from Hunter's memory. "Your description of the bounty hunter is a match to one from the Republic's files" Echo reveals "that's him, Cad Bane" responds Hunter.

I turn and starting walking towards them as Echo continues "He had multiple run-ins with the Jedi and was responsible for attempting to abduct Chancellor Palpatine", Wrecker then bursts in "First the bounty hunter on Pantora and now this guy?"

"And that is not including the other bounty hunter that was following us" I chime in "Why are they after the kid?" Wrecker responds. I subsequently described how Omega is a pure genetic replication of Jango Fett and how important she would be in the eyes of the Kaminoans and their cloning operation.

After explaining this in detail Wrecker asks, "So how do we find this bounty hunter?", after a quick moment checking my data pad I respond "We may not know where Cad Bane is, but we do know where Lord Mors is, I attached a tracking device while we were on Bracca and it is highly probable that it will lead us to Omega". Hunter thinks for a moment, his brows furrowing "Okay, you do that, we'll monitor comms". I swiftly turn and make my way back to the controls, now it is our turn to track the bounty hunter.


The hum of the ship's engines quiets as you bring it out of hyperdrive, the cloudy unfamiliar planet below drawing you in. You guide your ship through the atmosphere using the force to sense where you were going, searching for a landing spot. Eventually finding a platform with two ships on it, recognizing both as belonging to fellow bounty hunters Cad Bane and Fennec Shand.

With a quick search you find another platform shrouded in mist and fog to land on "this should do nicely" you mutter aloud touching down softly. You grab your gear and head for the ramp "Pebble keep scanning the area, let me know if any other ships approach" you call over your shoulder. Those rogue clones would eventually show up to rescue the girl you thought to yourself "I'll follow them and make sure nothing happens to her until the clones get here" you say trying to talk yourself into your plan.

The door whirrs as it comes to life and opens, stepping inside you reach out with the force trying to sense where they went. You feel a pull to the left and so you follow, taking care with each step taken as any one of them could betray you. Closing your eyes to be more in tune with your senses your feet carry you further into the heart of this strange place. Suddenly you hear the faint sound of voices and blaster fire, your heart rate picks up, but you manage bring it down "stay focused, now's not the time to get caught up in emotions" you repeat in your head. Continuing forward towards the sounds you sense someone approaching and duck into the dark corner as the figure crawls in through the partially open door, it's the girl.

She stumbles into the sickly glowing green room looking around, after almost running into one of the experiment tubes she finds a panel and activates it. Rapidly pressing the glowing buttons she quickly sends out a signal for help, at that moment I sense someone heading in this direction. I quickly raise my hand and mutter as softly as possible "I will quickly and quietly head back to the platforms", she pauses for a moment and repeats the phrase "I will quickly and quietly head back to the platforms" and she dashes off.

Once the girl had distanced herself a bit I decided now was the time to step out of the shadows, it may be stupid to reveal myself but it will give her the best chance. With your face obscured behind a mask you step into the glow as Fennec enters the room "well if it isn't Mors, long time no see" she says casually "if only it could have been longer" you retort in a calm manner.

She saunters into the room "I would ask what you're doing all the way out here but I'm pretty sure I can guess" your eyes narrow as she continues "So who are you working for to capture the little pipsqueak anyways". You slowly approach "since when would I ever tell you that Shand" you respond trying to keep your voice as neutral and indifferent as possible as you sneak a look at your comm seeing Pebble sent a message.

Fennec slowly circles around you "no need to be so secretive, I can tell your trying to help the kid, I am as well" she responds slyly. Eyes widening slightly "you don't know my motivation, maybe I'm here to kill her" you snap, she raises her eyebrow at the tone "oh really, y/n" Fennec responds drawing out each syllable. At that your hand darts for your bag, pulling out a smoke bomb and throwing it in her direction. Once her sight was obscured you use the force to tip one of the large experiment tubes at her and make a break for it back to your ship.

As you arrive back to the platform you observe the girl hop into the clone's ship as the big one helps her in, pausing for a moment to watch the ship fade into the clouds. You hurry on board your ship and take off before you get caught up any further "since when did she figure out my name? how did she know?" you say aloud, worry seeping in with each passing word. "I need to take a break, this is all getting to me" as you continue becoming more panicked with each second that passed.

Pebble rolls up behind you and beeps and whistles softly, you turn and take a deep breath "you're right, I should quickly stop there on the way back" you respond with a slightly shaky voice. The little droid plugs in the coordinates and you make the jump to hyperspace. The whirr of the engine brings you comfort as you close your eyes and focus of your breathing. Your whisper was the last sound you heard before drifting off.


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