101)Preparing For The Worst

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Whittmore Dorm,
3rd Person:

Chris began his night feeling comfy, feeling like he was in the presence of company, but as the night went on he became restless. He was tossing and turning around in his sleep, and the more he slept the more he felt like he was being drained

He slowly opened his eyes, but felt a little dizzy and saw someone standing by the fireplace "Elena?" He groaned and sat up, thinking it was her since the blurry figure resembled her

But when his vision cleared and he got up whoever it was, wasn't there anymore and neither were the others. There was no Elena, or Bonnie in their beds which made him jump out of bed and look around the room

He walked over to the lit fireplace which confused him since it wasn't lit when he went to bed. But as he walked towards the fire he felt a presence slowly following behind him, carefully Chris grabbed one of the sharp fireplace pokers and swiftly turned and pointed it at the person "Hello again, Chris" It was Lily Salvatore

 But as he walked towards the fire he felt a presence slowly following behind him, carefully Chris grabbed one of the sharp fireplace pokers and swiftly turned and pointed it at the person "Hello again, Chris" It was Lily Salvatore

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"Lily? I thought Stefan locked you in the cellar of his house?" Chris questioned, wondering how she was here at Whittmore when she was locked up in Mystic Falls

"He did" Lily smirked "But prisons are easily escaped. You of all people should know that" She said casually reminding Chris of his own time in the Prison he was locked in

"What do you want?" Chris held the poker more assertivly towards her in case she attacked him

She rolled her head in frustration "Must I constantly repeat myself? If you don't know what I want by now-"

Chris interupted her and finished what she was going to say "Yeah I know. You want your creepy witch vampire hybrid freakshows back. And at the risk of repeating myself, there's no way to do that now"

"Isn't there?" Lily tilted her head "What's that term you witches are so fond of? Loophole?"

"Yeah, I tried to let you down gently but you keep pushing. Even if there is a loophole, I'm not going to do it" He said in a stern manner "I'm not letting them out"

"Oh you've made your position clear. Apparently I've failed to do the same, because you seem to think that I'm here for your help. I'm not" Lily's eyes turn red as the bloody lines under her eyes start to become more prominent

Chris pushed his hand out to Lily "Phesmatos Incendia!" But when nothing happened to her Chris looked down at his hand in confusion, feeling his heart beat race

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