Chapter 10

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Every now and then it feels like it is impossible for Leah to be nice. Every single time I start to think it is going good between the two of us, she turns around and brings up Raso. Just when I start to enjoy whatever this mess is between the two of us, she does not hesitate to bring me back to reality. She is a horrible person, who is only doing any of this to mess with me.

The rest of the dinner was uncomfortable, the tension between Leah and I once both of us were back at the table was so obvious, there might as well have been a wall between the two of us. Despite that, her hand continued to find itself on my leg.

Of course, Katie noticed my strange behavior, and attempted to include me in conversation with her and Caitlin but after so many bland responses she eventually gave up.

I wish I could throw Leah's hand off my lap, but that would only lead to me pushed up against some wall, therefore causing my inevitable cash in, and on day one... it simply wouldn't be worth it.

The remainder of the meal went exactly how you would assume it would, conversations continued between the three others at the table, but I found myself stuck in my head, staring off in a train of thought, or rather, a lack thereof.

Whenever I was brought to the present moment, I was flooded with unholy thoughts about the hand that rests on my leg, wanting it higher, lower, anywhere.


Eventually, after the best meal I had ever eaten, I was back in my hotel room. Standing in the bathroom after my shower, brushing my hair and looking at my reflection in the steamy glass.

Katie was in the other room getting herself ready for the night as well when I heard my phone ring in the other room.

"Who is it?" I called out to Katie.

"No idea" she replied, "random number" she said handing me the phone.

I wasn't expecting any call, and it was 10 at night. I debated hanging up the phone when I noticed something about the number. It was American.

I answered it before the call went away, "Hello?" I squeaked, unsure as to who was on the other side of the line.

"Is this Y/N Y/LN?" a male voice said on the other side.

I nodded in response before remembering it was a phone call, "Yes, yeah this is Y/N."

Katie looked at me with a who is it? Look. I shrugged back at her, still unsure as to who it was.

"Sorry to call you so late at night, I know the time difference is quite a bit. I'm glad I caught you." The voice continued after my confirmation. "This is Vlatko Andonovski."

My heart dropped. Time stopped. I felt the blood drain from my face. This couldn't be happening. I made a sad attempt to acknowledge him, but I am sure it sounded more like a poor attempt at beatboxing.

He laughed on the other side of the line, "Y/N, I have chosen you to be on the squad for this next national camp, I am proud to offer you a spot amongst the most elite players in the world."

This can't be real. "Thank you so much! I honestly am not able to process what is happening right now. I can't thank you enough." Katie raised her eyebrow at me, but I couldn't manage anything more than to open my eyes really wide in surprise and joy at her.

"Welcome to the United States Women's National Soccer Team. I will let you go now; we will be in contact with you and your agent. Welcome to the team Y/N." He said, so simply as if he changed people's lives every day... which I guess in the world of soccer, he does.

Pitched Off- Leah WilliamsonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant