Chapter 1

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"This doesn't feel real," I muttered softly to Caitlin, our footsteps echoing through the labyrinthine corridors of the training facility. The maze of hallways had quickly blurred together, making it a challenge to distinguish one room from another. "I think I might need you to pinch me-" My words were abruptly interrupted as Caitlin's fist met my arm in a swift, unexpectedly forceful motion. "Ow! What was that for?" I turned toward her, a scowl etched on my face.

"What's got you all riled up? You practically asked for it!" Caitlin held up her hands innocently.

"Pinch, not punch," I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Since when does anyone invite another person to throw a punch?" She chuckled at my side.

"To be fair, I wouldn't put it past American sayings. You guys have some odd perspectives," Caitlin remarked, nudging me lightly. "And seriously, what's with the obsession of not calling football by its proper name? What even is soccer?" I spun around, ready to launch into this familiar debate.

"I'm not going to-" My words faded as I collided with something-or rather, someone. Caitlin's widened eyes signaled trouble behind me. Frozen in place, I prayed that if I stood still long enough then hopefully, by some miracle, I would become invisible.

"If you could move so that I'm no longer sandwiched between you and the wall, that would be great," a muffled voice came from behind. I leaped away in a hurry, seeking refuge at Caitlin's side. Note to self: do not nearly suffocate someone on my first day.

As I glanced at Caitlin's face, ready to wipe off her smirk, my gaze fell on the person she'd been looking at. "Hello, Leah, nice to meet you," Caitlin greeted her warmly. Leah managed a stiff smile in response, her serious demeanor softened by Caitlin's charm.

"Yeah, hi. Sorry about the whole..." I felt heat rush to my ears, stumbling over my words.

"Not having spatial awareness?" Leah offered, completing my awkward sentence. I managed an uneasy chuckle, but Leah stood there, her expression unwavering.

After an uncomfortable silence, Caitlin coughed lightly, breaking the tension. "Anyways, we're hopeless with directions. Could you guide us to the locker room?" Leah glanced between us before turning and striding away. Taking it as an invitation, Caitlin and I followed the blonde, grateful for the guidance.

Leah led us through more hallways and rooms, a savior from our potential lost wanderings. The walls we followed were littered with different groups of people. All the different teams who have made up the Arsenal squad through the years. I took a mental note at the vast number of years that this stoic blonde, who was now guiding me, was in.

Though I was partially grateful for the awkward encounter, if it hadn't been for our collision, Caitlin and I might never have found our way. "Here it is," Leah announced, opening the door to the locker room. "The training grounds are straight through those doors over there." I followed her pointed finger to the distant metal doors. "Good luck out there later, you two," she said before walking out to the training pitch.

"Oh my God," I muttered, my voice strained as I buried my face in sheer embarrassment. Caitlin couldn't help but laugh at my obvious display of self-inflicted awkwardness. "Please, please tell me that wasn't the worst introduction to Leah fucking Williamson."

"Y/N, you're so dramatic," Caitlin retorted, rolling her eyes. "I've only known you for a day, but somehow, I wouldn't be surprised if this is a regular thing for you."

I nodded, letting out a resigned sigh. Glancing around the locker room, I noticed the wooden cubbies lining the walls, each adorned with personal memorabilia. Except for two at the end, boasting only a solitary training kit in their cubbies. I gestured toward them, addressing Caitlin. "Well, guess it's time for our first training session."


Hello! Thank you for reading. I will try and write this best I can- this chapter was a bit short, but hopefully future chapters will all be a bit more of a read. Let me know if you have any suggestions or requests :)

Pitched Off- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now